Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church
“In God We Trust?”
A sermon preached at Kowloon Union
Church on Sunday 26 June 2016 by Bruce Van Voorhis. The scripture readings that day were Isaiah 26:1–4, Romans 5:1–5, Luke 10:21–28.
God of love, God of peace, may the
meditations of my heart, of my mind and of my spirit be acceptable and pleasing
to you, and may they faithfully express the wisdom you have given to all of us.
In your Son’s name, we pray. Amen.
If you’ve
ever looked closely at any U.S. dollar bill, you’ve noticed our sermon title
printed on the back——“In God We Trust.”
But does
the United States really trust in God?
If one
reflects on the U.S. government’s foreign policies or the recent tragedy in
Orlando and the reaction afterwards on gun control, one could deduce that there
is probably more trust in money or economic power, military strength and guns
than in God.
Our message
this morning though is not about life in America and its government’s policies but
rather is about our lives here in Hong Kong.
Thus, we
should ask ourselves this same question: Do we
trust in God?
Before we
answer this question, we should first make sure that we have a clear
understanding about what we mean when we use the word trust.
The Oxford English Dictionary lists a number
of definitions, but this one I think bests encapsulates the meaning for me:
“[a] firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability or
strength of someone or something.”
Thus, our trust in someone or something hinges on whether or
not we believe they are reliable. Can we depend upon them in any circumstance?
Do they care for us?
Another way of saying the same thing is whether we have
faith in someone or something. In this case, do we have faith in God?
Most of us, I believe, will naturally say yes. Otherwise,
why are we here this morning?
But do we
really have faith in God? Do we really trust God? And why should it matter?
In our Old
Testament reading today in Isaiah 26:4, we are invited to trust in God. “Trust
in the Lord forever,” the scripture says, “for the Lord God is an everlasting
In other
words, trust in God because God is “an everlasting rock”; an anchor for our
lives; a divine, holy and spiritual being upon whom we can depend and who is
our Creator and our Sustainer. For these reasons, we can have faith in God.
But again,
do we?
For myself,
I would honestly have to answer no. For if I truly trust God, if I truly have
faith in God, then I will be at peace, meaning I won’t have any fears, I won’t
have any worries or anxieties, etc. Unfortunately, this is not the case. I’m
guessing that others here may feel the same way I do.
Why is this
It seems so
simple to trust God, to have faith in God, and there is no reason not to do so,
but yet, I don’t think I really do. What seems so simple is also so very
What is the
roadblock or obstacle to trusting God, to having faith in God?
For me, I
think I am the biggest obstacle to trusting God. My ego does not want to
surrender to God. I do not want to lose control or am afraid of losing control.
Consequently, if I don’t surrender to God, there is really no trust in God, and
there is no true peace in my life. Perhaps others here can relate to this predicament
as well.
How then
can I, can we, overcome this dilemma?
Let us
look for a possible answer in our epistle reading this morning in Romans 5:1–5:
“Therefore, since we are justified by
faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him, we
have obtained access to this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in our
hope of sharing the glory of God. More than that, we rejoice in our sufferings,
knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character,
and character produces hope, and hope does not disappoint us because God’s love
has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit which has been given to
relevant portions of this passage for us today are the links between faith,
peace and God and most importantly the pouring of God’s love into our hearts
through the Holy Spirit. If God’s love dwells in each of us, then why do we not
trust God, why do we not have faith in God?
Again, I
think the ego is the culprit.
How then
can we overcome this culprit that is us. In other words, how can I get out of
the way of myself?
Benedictine monk John Main and his disciple Laurence Freeman offer us a
prescription: Christian meditation, or contemplative prayer.
is a way for us to subdue our egos and to connect with the Divine that resides
in each of us. Meditation is perhaps a practice that we associate more with
Buddhism or Hinduism, but Fr. Main and Fr. Freeman in the 1970s resurrected the
Christian tradition of meditation begun by the Dessert Fathers in the third
century A.D. in Egypt. Through meditating for 20 to 30 minutes twice a day, we
can begin to silence our egos over time and can begin to listen more deeply to
God in us. Developing a more profound relationship with God can naturally
strengthen the bonds of trust and bless us with a greater sense of peace.
This peace though is not intended to be
kept within ourselves, but rather, we are called to share it with others. Today
during our worship service and, indeed, every Sunday service we share our peace
with one another.
But the sharing of the peace inside of
us is, of course, not just reserved for our Sunday services. We know from the
Beatitudes in Matt. 5:9 that
we have a responsibility as Christians to be peacemakers; but before we can work for peace, we need to be at peace
with ourselves and with God: peace in the world begins with peace in me and in
each of us. Our relationship with others is a reflection of our relationship
with God and with ourself.
You know
from reading or listening to news reports that our world today cries out for
peace, that there is a great need for us, as people of faith, to be
peacemakers, that our faith challenges us to heal the brokenness of the world. This
message is most appropriate today as the United Nations has declared June 26 as
the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. We may feel, however,
that the violence or problems of the world are far away from us or are too big
for us to deal with. It is normal to feel this way. Hong Kong though is in need
of peace. Our city is divided over how to achieve a more genuine democratic
political system, for instance. Moreover, we may encounter people in our daily
lives in our neighborhood, in our workplace, in our school, in our family, who
are not at peace because of an accident or an illness, etc.—people for
whom we can do some small act to give them a greater sense of peace. Sometimes
it’s something as simple as listening to their problem. Peacemaking does not necessarily
require some grand act or great skill. It just requires a commitment to others.
By now, it
may be apparent that at the foundation of being a peacemaker is love, fulfilling
the commandments that Jesus gives us in our Gospel reading today in Luke 10:27 to “love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your
mind; and your neighbor as yourself.”
peacemakers, we express our love for our neighbors both near and far; and in so
doing, we reveal our love for God who calls us to love our neighbor. Our inner
peace, built on our trust in God, is reflected in our actions for peace in our
world. The inner joins with the outer, and our faith becomes whole. Amen.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, June 26, 2016
“God is our refuge”
A sermon preached at Kowloon Union
Church on Sunday 19 June 2016, World Refugee Sunday, by Timothy Chan Ka. The scripture readings that day were Psalm
42, Galatians 3:23–29, Luke
Today is a refugee Sunday.
You might be looking around and wonder who is refugee, and who is not. However,
I would say, every one of us needs to seek refuge and no one knows what would
happen in our life in the next second. Last week, in America, Orlando, 49
people were killed in a gay bar because of homophobia and hatred towards sexual
minority. And In Hong Kong, one of the missing booksellers Lam Wing-Kee came
back to Hong Kong and stormed the media, telling how the Chinese government
confined him, and threatened him. Persecution, violence and injustice are closer
than we imagine. In this Sunday, I want to remind every one of us, no matter
who you are and where you from, God is our refuge, Before we go into the
scripture and today’s message, let us pray:
Loving God, may you open
our eyes, to see how much we need you in our life, and may you open our ears,
to listen what you are telling us this morning. May your Holy Spirit transform
us. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
According to the Refugee Convention
adopted by the United Nations in 1951, a refugee is “someone who is unable or
unwilling to return to their country of origin owing to a well-founded fear of
being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a
particular social group, or political opinion.” However, this definition might not
be able to include all the people facing persecution and different life
threats. Think about the victims in the Orlando shooting, do they match with
the definition? Maybe No, the immigration office in Hong Kong might deny their
case! And in today’s reading, in the Gospel of Luke, we read about a man of the
city Gerasenes, who had demons taken him. Do you think he would be accepted as
a refugee in our society today? If he is in Hong Kong right now, who can he
turn to, for help and assistance? In this story, he was kept under guard and
bound with chains and shackles, and he lives in the tomb, isolated, keeping
distance with the “normal citizens”. He is not welcomed by his own city, and
the tomb is the only place he can go. However, Jesus came all the way to cross
the Lake and see this man and casted out the demons in him and give him a new
Today in our society, in Hong Kong,
many politicians are calling to build a close camp for refugee, propose to
detain them somewhere in Hong Kong or Shen Zhen, and keep them away from the HK
citizens and keep them isolated. This is what exactly the citizens in Gerasenes
did to this man that he was chained and kept in tombs! A tomb is a place for
dead people, by sending this man to the tomb, the citizens might just want to
kill him slowly, or in their eyes, this man is already a dead man. Today we
have to question ourselves, do we see refugee as a problem? Do we also see them
as dead people? That we just want them to disappear from our sight, so that we
do not have to be responsible to what had happened to them?
Jesus offers another way. Jesus rebuked
the demons and casted them to the herd, and hundreds of swine rushed down to
the cliff and drowned. The man who was naked, is now clothed and he got back
his mind. And the man who had been possessed by demons had been healed. The man
who had no dignity has gained his identity back! Praise the Lord! What a
miracle is this! But sadly, this is not what the citizens think. The bible says
they were scared and fear of Jesus! And they urged Jesus to leave them. They
might be troubled by the loss of the pigs which jumped off the cliff, those
might worth a lot of money. However Jesus valued this man much more than those
swine and money. Jesus cherish every one of us, and particularly to those who
are marginalized by the society, and those who are weak. Today our media is
trying to stamp a label of “fake refugee” on the asylum seekers in Hong Kong.
They are trying to tell the citizens of Hong Kong that they do not deserve our
help, as they are not “REAL” refugee. BUT today we have to say No to these
politicians, and No to these inhumane discourses. Today we have to decide that
we will follow Jesus’ teaching and his example, to help and love those who are
in need, no matter they have the “certificate” of “refugee” or not.
In fact, when we listen more to the
stories of our friends, fleeing from their own countries for different reasons.
It opens up our mind. I have started serving refugee and asylum seekers in KUC
about six months ago. As I was listening to their stories, I was really moved,
at the same time, very shocked too. To be honest, I think you are all very
tough and brave. I’m very moved by how their faith to God is so strong. In such
a tough situation, they still managed to praise God, and dance for God. Looking
at myself, maybe I would blame God and would never go to church again. However,
through our asylum seeker brothers and sisters. They show me that, the more in need they are,
the harder they pray and more they want to come to church and praise God. Today they might be stuck in Hong Kong, but God’s
healing is everywhere. Jesus said to the man in Gerasense : “Return to your
home, and declare how much God has done for you.’ So he went away, proclaiming
throughout the city how much Jesus had done for him.” Yes, today our refugee
friends still cannot go home, however, they have been proclaiming what God has
done for them in Hong Kong! Our team would go to different schools and churches
in Hong Kong, we will go and share, not just about how hard their life is, but
how God has helped them to go through all of these. They are counting the grace
of God. This is the very thing we can learned from their stories!
In today’s reading, psalm 42, you may
open your bible to psalm 42 and read together again. Psalm 42 is a Maskil of
the Korahites. A Maskil is a genre of the Psalms, it means a contemplative
Psalm, and the Korahites, are the descendants of the Levite who are chosen by
God to serve in the temple. They were used to lead the Israelites to Praise God
in the temple! In this Psalm, the Psalmist is very likely a priest, or someone
who used to serve in the temple. However, he was in great trouble and sorrow.
In verse 3, the psalmist says
“My tears have been my food
day and night,
while people say to me continually,
‘Where is your God?’”
Even the servant of God would face the
time of trials and turmoil. In fact, every one of us here might have
experienced something similar, we had bad moments, and time we have no idea
where to go, what to do, we couldn’t see our future. To a point that we doubt
“Where is our God.” When the asylum seekers came to Hong Kong, they have no
right to work, forced to rely on a very thin subsidy from the government. They
do not have money to pay for the school fee for their kids, they do not have
enough money to pay for the sky high rent in Hong Kong. They might have asked
“Where is our God?” this is also a question many of us would ask, not just the
refugee and asylum seekers, but every one of us. However, the psalmist did not
give up, he continues to say :
“5 Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my help and my God.”
For the psalmist did not give up on God
even though he might be surrounded by his enemies, and the people around him
are mocking him, teasing him saying “Where is your God?” The psalmist
demonstrated his faith in God. It reminds me of a brother in our fellowship, He
comes from India and he is in midst of us now. He grew up in a Sikh family, but
he met Jesus, and decided to become a Christian. Unfortunately, his family and
people in his community are not happy about this. They had beaten him, threaten
to kill him, and denounced him publicly, and his family has decided to cut the
relationship with him and the statement was on the local newspaper. When he
showed me the newspaper, I was really upset. His life is being threatened if he
decides to follow Jesus, that’s why he came to Hong Kong. However, he did not
lose faith in God, when he was facing all these threats around him, he did not
give up on God, where it was supposedly the easiest way for him to survive.
Give up his faith and he will be accepted by the community again. But he did
not, he remembers God, and when he came to Kowloon Union Church, you know what
the very thing he said to me? He said “I
want to be baptized” I hope that, very soon, we will all witness his baptism
here in KUC. Okay?
So the Psalmist says:
“My soul is cast down within me;
therefore I remember you”
Do you remember God when your soul is cast down and
when you are in trouble?
At the end of the psalm, the psalmist reminds us one
more time
“Why are you cast down, O my soul,
and why are you disquieted within me?
Hope in God; for I shall again praise him,
my help and my God.”
God is our refuge. This psalm might be
resounding in the heart of the man from Gerasense. Even he was possessed by
demons, he might still remembering God. Today, I pray that this psalm would
also resound in your soul whenever you are facing challenges, persecutions,
threats, and all kind of difficulty you may encounter in your life. Last night,
in the Vine Church, the refugee ministry group in Hong Kong was celebrating the
World Refugee Day. When the Aineo Gospel Choir sing the song “He’s able”, one
lyric touches me so deeply, it says “Don't give up on God, cause he won't give
up on you”
Brother and sister, in the third
reading of today, in the book of Galatians, it says
“There is no longer Jew or Greek, there
is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you
are one in Christ Jesus.”
Today, our society is giving us a lot
labels, I believe everyone in KUC are holding a different ID card, or paper
right? Some of you are holding a working visa, some of you are permanent
residents, some of you are domestic helpers, some of you might be a travelers,
and some of you are asylum seekers or refugees. But these identities are no
longer important when we are calling “God, help me!” you do not need a HKID to
pray, “Hey God, see I am a HK citizen! Listen to my prayer!” or “Hey God, see
my papers! I am a ‘real’ refugee! Help me!” God’s Love and protection is beyond
all these identities the world has given to us.
In God “There is no longer Jew or
Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female,
there is no longer gay or straight, and there is no longer the so called “real
refugee” or “fake refugee” FOR WE ARE ONE IN CHRIST JESUS.
God is our refuge! Amen!
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, June 19, 2016
“Radical Love”
A sermon preached at Kowloon
Union Church on Sunday 12 June 2016, the fourth Sunday after Pentecost, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture
readings that day were Psalm 32; Galatians
2:15-21; Luke 7:36-8:3.
Opening prayer:
God of love, open our heart to hear your Word and
inspire us through the Holy Spirit. May your Word transform our faith and our
life to be more like Christ. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
Getting married is a happy life event. But it was
not so for Eddie and Rachel. Although they had planned to get married, Rachel
was pregnant before their marriage. They had to arrange quickly the wedding
ceremony. As both of them are Christians, they would like to have a church
wedding. They wished to make their solemn vows before God and to witness God’s
love in them. Of course they would like to have God’s blessings for their
marriage, their new family and new life ahead. When they approached their home
church minister, they were condemned for committing sins of pre-marital sex.
The minister discouraged them having a church wedding because they had sinned. They
were also asked to confess publicly before the congregation. With great disappointment, stress and guilt,
Eddie came to KUC one day, checking the possibility of having a church wedding
service here. I’ll never forget the
first time I met Eddie. He was so lost and distressed. He said he did not know
what to do. He felt confused, shameful and broken. While he was under great
pressure from the church, he was worrying about her girlfriend Rachel. But he
was faithful to God and wanted to seek God’s guidance ahead.
The woman in the gospel account from Luke that we
heard this morning reminded me of Eddie and Rachel. Like the woman, this young
couple was regarded as sinners. They have committed the sin of pre-marital sex
in the eyes of their church leaders.
The response of Jesus to the woman gave us light in
responding and receiving sinners as such. From the gospel story, the author did
not mention what was the sin this woman had committed. There were biblical
commentaries referring it as sexual sin. This woman might have been a
prostitute. She was a kind of person who received no respect from her
community. She had possessed expensive perfume and thus she might not be that
poor financially. But she was poor and marginalized in the social sense. She
was rejected and not welcome by her community.
When the Pharisees challenged Jesus in their heart for
he related closely to the sinner, Jesus realised it and he confronted the
religious leaders by asking an interesting question with a parable about debts.
From the parable, he shared the message about
forgiveness and love. The more debts cancelled,
the more love the debtor has for the creditor. To translate it to sins - the
more sins forgiven the more love shown by the sinner. He then affirmed the
woman of what she did for him – washing his feet with her tears, drying it with
her hair, kissing it, and anointing it with the expensive ointment (a kind of
oil people used to bury dead body or purify priests). It indicated she treated
Jesus as an important person.
This woman who did not even have her name mentioned
in the account was affirmed by Jesus. Jesus received the affection and care
from this woman without hesitation. Unlike the Pharisees who focused on the law,
sins and the past record of the person, Jesus focused on forgiveness and the
transforming power that love brought to a person. Jesus cared more about the
relationship with this woman who had shown him love, gratitude, courage and humility
of faith.
After Jesus responded to the challenges raised by
the Pharisees, he said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” Jesus’ public
proclamation of sins forgiven to this woman was remarkable and powerful. It was
a full acceptance and embrace of this woman in God. His public declaration also
indicated the chain of sins that this woman carried was broken. She was free –
free from guilt, free from isolation, free from rejection. Jesus received her as a full human being with
Jesus’ act of forgiveness was a great contrast to
the minister of Eddie and Rachel. Instead of asking the woman to confess her
sins publicly, Jesus declared forgiveness to her.
Jesus’ love was to empower. He did not only say to
the woman – your sins are forgiven. He further said – “Your faith has saved
you; go in peace.” He acknowledged her
effort and her faith. Jesus showed his great respect to this woman. Jesus was
not portrayed as a superior man and God showing his power and claiming all
credit. No! Jesus treated this woman as equal partner in making herself anew
and become whole again.
Jesus gave to us such good example for relating to sinners,
those who are rejected and marginalized in our society today such as the sex
workers, the LGBTI community, ex-offenders, HIV/AIDS carriers, you name it. Let
us embrace and receive these marginalized with the love like Jesus. Let the divine love transform the heart of
While we always have something to learn from Jesus,
I would like to highlight what we may learn too from the woman who was regarded
as sinner by her community.
This woman was not a passive person awaiting for
salvation. She did act with love and faith.
She had the courage to break the social norms that prevent her from seeking
God’s grace through Jesus. She had faith in God and the inner strength to get
close to Jesus. As woman she was supposed to sit at the side and not stayed so
close to Jesus, the guest of honor. This woman, however, refused to fall into
the category other people defined her – a sinner. She did not constrain herself
but to do what she thought was right. She demonstrated great love to Jesus in
the public.
Radical love is to give and love by removing all
barriers with courage. Radical love is a mutual relationship. Like the woman and Jesus, they had
demonstrated love to each other.
As God loves us, our desire and love to God is
equally important.
Let us go back to the story of Eddie and Rachel.
After hearing their story, I felt a strong urge to give them support so
as to demonstrate God’s love and grace upon them. I agreed to officiate their
wedding in our church. They however decided not to go ahead because Rachel’s
family and their home church did not support. I did my part anyway. They
appreciated what I have done for them. I was invited to witness their marriage at
the Marriage Registry and shared prayers and bless their marriage. In midst of
all the rejection and condemnation, my presence and acceptance somehow revealed
Christ’s forgiveness and love. In them, I have witnessed the transforming power
of forgiveness. Jesus forgave the guilt
of the woman’s sin. Jesus forgave the guilt of Eddie and Rachel. Anyone who is
bold, humble and trust in God may go to him for forgiveness. Jesus’ radical
love can set us free and bring us back to the love of God. Radical love
includes also faith – our trust in the Lord. As promised by the Psalmist shared in Psalm 32 - Steadfast
love surrounds those who trust in the Lord.
Last month Eddie sent me the good news of the arrival of their baby. He is thankful to God and is hoping to bring
glory to God through him and his family. I saw their love and trust in God. I
am thankful for that.
To the lost Christ shows his face, to the unloved
he gives his embrace, to those who cry in pain or distress, Christ makes his
friends, a touching place.
May we all learn from Jesus Christ of his radical
love to move beyond all human boundaries, to feel for the people we most avoid,
to feel for the confused and to feel for the lonely heart.
How can we act like Christ to love and be liberated
from the laws and social norms that are suppressive? Apostle Paul from
Galatians reminds us of Christ’s radical love of sacrifice and our deep union
with Christ is the way.
The Word taken from Galatians 2:19-20 is a remarkable passage for us to remember.
Here I read:
19 For through the law I died
to the law, so that I might live to God. I have been crucified with
Christ; 20 and it is no longer I who live, but it
is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith
in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Sisters and
Let us live
everyday by faith in Christ who loved us and gave himself for us. It is this
self-sacrificing love of Christ that encourage us and empower us to declare
this faith statement:
“I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but
it is Christ who lives in me.” (Galatians 2:19-20)
May the radical
love of Christ stay in us and our radical love for God shine. Amen.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, June 12, 2016
“In the Web of Creation”
A sermon
preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 5 June 2016, the Eco-Concern
Sunday, by the Rev. Hans Lutz. The scripture readings that
day were Psalms 104, 1-24; Revelation 22, 1-5; Matthew 6, 26.
1. During recent weeks and again during
the last days a confrontation occurred at Ma Si Po Village in the North East
New Territories over the problem of land ownership. A large property
development corporation which in recent years has bought massive pieces of land
in the North East New Territories claims that the village falls within their
land and therefore takes action to take it back. The villagers claim the place
their home and insist that no one can take it away by force.
the corporation’s perspective, the villagers are sitting on other people’s
property illegally. They are hindering development and jeopardizing the
legitimate financial interests of the corporation. From the villagers’ point of
view, the property developer is endangering the land they have been working for
over half a century. They are now forced out from their own place.
is a basic conflict going on between the needs of the city for more housing and
the rights of total people who have cared for the land for decades.
2. Today the whole world is experiencing
the conflict between God’s creation and the needs and the greed of the human
race. For the past 200 years industrialization and new technologies have
expanded the domination of humanity. We have been and still are living by a
questionable understanding of Gen. 1, 28 where God says to humankind, “Be
fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it. Be masters of the fish of
the sea, the birds of heaven and all living animals on earth.”
3. Today it dawns on us that we have
misinterpreted God’s intention. Now we pay more attention to another verse from
the book of Genesis, namely Gen. 2, 15 where it says, “God took the man and
settled him in the garden of Eden to cultivate and take care of it.”
A friend of mine always emphasizes that as Christians we
should not speak of ecology and environmental concerns, but of “creation care”.
God wants us to look after his creation.
4. Along with the shift from domination
of creation to care for creation, we realize that we are very much part of
creation and depending on it. St. Francis has addressed the elements as
brothers and sisters. He spoke of brother sun and brother fire, sister moon and
sister water, and mother earth. We are part of one big family.
104 gives expression to this. What is most remarkable about this psalm is that
it positions humans as one among many species of animals and also within the
framework of nature. It speaks of the birds, the wild goats, the moon, the
seasons, the setting sun, the beasts in the forest, the rise of the sum, and
then the humans who go to labour until the evening. And then the psalm
O Lord, how manifold are your works!
In wisdom you have made them all;
The earth is full of your creatures . verse
beings are one of the creatures God has made.
5. At the same time psalm 104 depicts
God as constantly and actively sustaining his creatures.
You make springs gush forth in the valleys;
They flow between the hills,
Giving drink to every wild animal;
The wild asses quench their
By the streams the birds have their
They sing among the branches.
From your lofty abode you water the
The earth is satisfied with the
fruit of your work.
You cause the grass to grow for the cattle,
And plants for people to use,
To bring forth food from the
earth. Verses 10-14
has referred to the sustaining grace of the father when he said,
Look at the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap or
gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much
more than they are? Mt. 6, 26
6. God provides not merely for basic
subsistence, but also for pleasure:
You cause the growth of wine to gladden the human heart,
Oil to make the face shine,
And bread to strengthen the human heart. Verse 15
My wife and I live in Mei Foo Sun Chuen. Every morning we
take a walk in the Lai Chi Kok Park and enjoy the flowers on shrubs and trees.
Hong Kong is a small place , but it has so much to offer in terms of natural
7. A member of a European party has
criticized that all too often we sound like school masters when we talk of
environmental concerns. Our approach should be guided by love and care. We are
part of the web of creation. This web is one in which are interdependent and in
which all are dependent on God – the one who created them and sustains them.
8. God loves the world and so should
we. We are called to heal the creation where it is broken as God will heal his
creation when his kingdom comes. In China the authorities are turning to treat
the soil where it has been poisoned by industry. The book of Revelation gives a
vision of a healed creation:
Then the angel showed me the river of life, rising from the
throne of God and of the lamb and flowing crystal clear in the city street. On
either side of the river were the trees of life, which bear twelve crops of
fruit in a year, one in each month, and the leaves which are the cure of the
22, 1f.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, June 05, 2016
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