
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

“The Price of Believing”

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 18 August 2019, Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, by Timothy Chan. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 82, Hebrews 11:29–12:2, Luke 12:49–56.

Good morning sisters and brothers. Do you have your bulletin with you? sometimes when I am reading about the prayer concern, I wonder for how long would conflicts and divisions be no more. I wish there can be more good news written in the bulletin. It would be nice if we are all living in a peaceful society, where no one has any complain, no protest, no tear gas, no violence. It would be nice, too nice, unrealistically nice. Then we read about this passage from the Gospel of Luke this morning, saying, Jesus the Cause of Division. I think it’s time for us to renew our understanding of peace and division. Before we dig deeper, let’s pray:
God of justice, God of peace. Help us to understand what it means to follow you. Help us to find peace in you instead of looking for it in the world. May your Holy Spirit come and inspire us, ignite our passion to follow you again. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
“I came to bring fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!” This is how Jesus describes His mission. When we think of fire in an apocalyptic perspective, we would think of the hellfire of destruction, punishment and judgement. That’s why we would be confused of why Jesus is going to punish and judge the earth. But in the context of Luke, or in the wider Old Testament context, fire has a few more meanings. In the Exodus, fire signifies the presence of God, think of how the pillar of fire leading the Israelites in the wilderness and how he shows himself in the fire to Moses. In the prophetic books, fire carries a meaning of transformation and sanctification. In the context of Luke particularly, the image of fire is the continuity of the mission of John the Baptist, which is the refiner’s fire, purifying our sin, and making us holy. If we can expand our understanding of fire here in this context, then we know Jesus is coming to judge and punish, but to make things right, to remove the evil within us, our society and all humanity. 
The second thing he mentions in his mission is baptism. For many of us who are baptized would know the meaning of it. It means we are dead to the world, so we can live for God. Baptism is also a mark we carry, separating us from the world, telling the world and its authority that we are children of God, citizens of God’s Kingdom. For us, it might only be a religious ritual. However, in the New Testament time, it is a political statement. By declaring themselves as the citizens of God’s kingdom, and to recognize Jesus Christ as their King and Lord, Christians were accused of treason. They are labelled as threats to the national security of the Roman’s Empire. At the same time, Christians were also being rejected by the Jewish community for betraying their tradition. These are the reasons why Christians were persecuted in the first few centuries.
Even today, Christians are being persecuted in many countries, such as China, because of the value and belief we hold firm to. Therefore, the mission of baptism is a mission to disturb and challenge the earthly authorities, cultures and spiritual forces which go against the Kingdom of God. No wonder Jesus says: “Do you think that I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division!” This division can be so close to us that it happens within our families as mentioned in the scripture.
The scripture reading this morning reminds me of the current situation in Hong Kong, where we all experience different kind of divisions. It might happen in our workplace, in our family, among our friends, or even in the church. It is easy to think we are right, and they are wrong. It is easy for us to think that God is on our side, because we are pursuing justice and peace. But I find it unconvincing, for both sides believe that they are advocating for justice, and against violence. So who is right?
Yesterday, there was a gathering in the Tamar park in Admiralty, organized by pro-government group, their group name is “Safe Guard Hong Kong”. They advocated against violence too, but they support the police’s excessive use of force. I also rememfber how these people celebrated when the white shirts beat up citizens in Yuen Long MTR area. It is hypocritic. Today’s problem is how people become selective on what they support and how they misinterpret and abuse the meaning of justice in order to fit their own agenda. People can be divided because of their own selfish motives and benefits. 
What about us then? What we are standing for today? In the midst of division and conflict, we need to have courage to be critical on what we are supporting too. How can we, as Christians, support and follow the values of God’s Kingdom instead of supporting a particular group of people or a political agenda? Are we too overwhelmed by what happened around us that we forget to simply pray and listen to God? We all have our own emotions to deal with, we all feel frustrated, angry, and sometime confused. While we are paying attention to what is happening around us, let us not forget to spend time with God, and to be still, and know that He is God, to seek his will be done, not ours.
If division is unavoidable, we have to understand why. Today, we are divided not because we are supporting democracy or not, we are divided not because we are supporting the police or not. Today, we have to remind ourselves that Jesus is the cause of division, which means, in order to follow Jesus, we must make decisions to separate ourselves from injustice and evil. That is why in the midst of chaos, we must turn our eyes to Jesus, to ask God where we should stand in the context God is placing us. God is not asking us to be indifferent, or to turn a blind eye and run away from what is happening around us. Instead, God is inviting us to engage, so we can be the light and salt of the world, to testify his love and justice.
I like the word Division used here. It is a process, it is not trying to erase the difference, but to highlight the constant struggle in the context. Instead of retreating and running away, division actually offers hope for those who are oppressed. So, let us not be afraid of division. I thank God for division, because it means we have a choice to make, to follow his way, or to follow the world, even sometime following God would give us more trouble and may put us in danger. I thank God for division, for it means God still cares, and he doesn’t ignore sin and compromise to evil. Only if we have faith in God’s judgement and promise, we would have the courage to embrace division. This is what our ancestors in faith has demonstrated to us.
If we choose to believe and follow the way of God, we must be ready for the consequence and the choice to make. In Hebrews chapter 11:29 to verse 12:2. The author listed out the faith of Israelite heroes. It reads:
29 By faith the people passed through the Red Sea as if it were dry land, but when the Egyptians attempted to do so they were drowned. 30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell after they had been encircled for seven days. 31 By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient, because she had received the spies in peace.
In these situations, the people of God has made the decision by faith. The Israelites could have stayed in Egypt to be enslaved, instead, they have faith in God for the Promised Land. They chose to leave Egypt, a place where they have inhabited for a few generations. They might be suffering, but Egypt was also their comfort zone. But then, they made a choice to leave that place of oppression and slavery, to rebel against the will of the Pharaoh. They disobeyed their government so they could receive the promise of God.  They made the first move to leave, and God was helping them to pass through the Red Sea.
Rahab, the prostitute is also listed among the people of faith. We are not sure why she became a prostitute in the first place, but we know the ancient society has the least respect for them. According to the scripture, she is convinced that God has promised the city Jericho to the Israelites. She decided to hide the spies sent by Joshua from her people, in another word, she had to disobey her people to receive the promise of God. There are many more people mentioned in the scripture who received the promise of God through faith. They have all made a choice, a choice which might not be welcomed and agreed by the majority. They chose to act up against injustice and confront evil. They chose Jesus over their own life, for they have faith in the judgement and promise of God.
Friends, not all of us are lucky to have received the promise right away. Some of us might be making the right choice to stand up for justice and confront evil, but because of it, being persecuted. This reminds of me of a refugee friend I have met in KUC. Other than having fellowship every Tuesday in KUC, I would bring a few members from our fellowship to different schools and churches to share their experience in Hong Kong and their testimonies. I remember one time, there was a student asking one of our friends, “Do you regret involving in political movement, and speaking against the government? If you have not done all these, you wouldn’t become a refugee now”. Without a single thought, my friend said “No.” he continues “If I am given another chance, I would still do what I have done, for it’s a matter of justice and what is right or wrong.” Even though now he is separated from his family, and living a difficult life in Hong Kong, he did not blame God and has no regret of the choice he has made. For he follows the way of God’s Kingdom, to stand up against injustice and evil.
Sometimes I wonder what is the price for us to believe in God in Hong Kong. What is the price for us to do what is right? Do we have the courage to make the right decision, to help those who are weak and oppressed? We are living in a time where it is easier to judge than to reflect what we are standing for. I hope we can all remember the mission of Jesus, who sends fire and baptizes the earth. The fire is not only for retribution, but also for purification and transformation. This fire is not only for those who are wicked. It is also prepared for those who believe and follow him. We are all called to be representatives of God in the world and be part of his mission. May we be conscious of the roles God has given us, to bring true peace to where we are living even it may result in division. For peace without justice is tyranny. (William Allen White)

Friends, let us put our faith in Jesus, who is “the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.” Our choice to follow God and pursue goodness may result in persecution and division, but compare to the promise of God, they are all temporary. No matter what you are struggling with now, I believe God is inviting us to make a choice and decision to follow His way. Let us set our sight on his promises and goodness, for even we are in the darkest valley, he is there with us, for he is our shepherd, our savior, and our liberator. Amen.

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, August 18, 2019


Love changes everything

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 4 August 2019, the Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 107:1-9, 43; Colossians 3:1-11; Luke 12:13-21.

Opening prayer

God of life,

May Your word strengthen our faith, fill us with your love and transform us to be more like Christ. Holy Spirit, come and speak to us.

May the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable and pleasing to you, our redeemer and saviour. Amen.


Today I would like to share with a message about love.

Love is the core of Christian faith. We all agree that love is very much needed by everyone.

Love is a powerful driving force to human beings.

I believe love is the answer to many problems and challenges we are encountering in our personal lives, our city and in our world today.

Recently Hong Kong has become a city of protests. Since 9th of June, there are protests every weekend and even on some weekdays. Tomorrow there is an online call for a general strike. Many protesters walking the streets are students and young working adults. Why do the young people walk to the street and go to the frontline?

I would like to present you a video. It is about a student from the Chinese University who spoke and questioned the Vice Chancellor in a forum.

This student wore a full gear - a helmet, eye protective goggles and a black mask to cover his whole face.  

He said that this full gear outfit that he was wearing was common amongst his fellow students and friends who are staying in the frontline. The student shared that he wore this outfit not to embarrass the University but it deliberately manifests their fear. Fear of heavy weapons (tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets) from the police. And fear of white terror.

I watched the video for a few times. I was sad but was touched at the same time.

I was sad for what they have suffered and sacrificed for Hong Kong: being injured, and being arrested and prosecuted. I was touched on the other hand by their love to HK and other people. Out of this selfless love, they overcome fear and risk their future and even risk their life. Actually it is not only me. Many people from all walks to life are touched by their self-sacrificing love to Hong Kong.

Even people do not agree with their strategies and methods, their love and heart to HK should be appreciated and should not be denied.

I personally witnessed how housewives, retired elderly, young social workers and pastors young and old went to the street in late night in support of the young protesters. They loved them and wanted to protect them. These people are not necessarily in support of the young protesters to block the roads and risk their life to confront the police. They went there just because they didn’t want our children get hurt. They wanted to be peace ambassadors on site and helped the young people to find a safe place to stay.

Yesterday a group of young volunteers came to our church to make food for the protesters. Yesterday the protest was organized in Mongkok but the protesters walked to Tsimshashui in the evening.

In the past week, stories were shared in social media that there are young people starving while they were joining the protests because they spent their money to buy gear or simply they don’t have money because they are just students without income or support from family. Many working adults have been moved by these stories and volunteered to donate food coupons to the young protesters in need.

In the anti-extradition bill protests, people have been supporting each other and caring for each other even though they don’t know each other. It is amazing.

In the midst of crisis, I see the beauty of love and connectedness amongst people.

I am not trying to romanticize the movement. I recognize the harsh reality in which there is increasing hatred between the protesters and police, many people are depressed and feeling hopeless, there are friends who unfriend each other and there are fights between parents and their children because of different political stands. A few weeks ago, a young man who was kicked out by his family committed suicide. It was sad and breaking people’s heart.

From the stories above, we see love can help people overcome fear. 

Love can heal and save a life.

At the same time, life without love brings people to a dead end.

In today’s lectionary reading taken from Psalm 107, we are affirmed by God of their steadfast love.

We see how the kind and generous manners in the social movement reveal God’s steadfast love. The God of steadfast love redeemed people from trouble, delivered them from distress and satisfied the thirsty and filled the hungry.

The gospel account from Luke today is taking about a selfish and greedy rich man who stored up his wealth. His act is a great contrast to people young and old who selflessly give and support each other in the movement right now. When people are filled with love, they are generous to share and even have no fear to sacrifice their own interests.

The message from the book of Colossians 3 this morning is timely. The early church leader reminded the followers of Christ not to be greedy, not to lie and not to speak abusive language. The love of Christ compels the disciples to live a new life to reveal the image of Creator God. Jesus Christ who manifests God’s image and glory is the example that all disciples should have to follow.
God’s love is revealed in Christ.

Jesus Christ, the incarnated God, powerful and yet humble himself. He came to serve but not to be served. When God’s people sinned, Jesus came to identify with humanity. He forgives and heals.

Jesus Christ, the world’s redeemer and liberator had shown us what’s love all about. A love to forgive. A love to sacrifice. A love to die. A love to liberate and set people free from oppression. A love to heal the sick and to mend the broken hearted and give new life to the dead.

Jesus Christ has demonstrated a love that is changing people’s heart and life.
Jesus Christ calls people, you and me, to repent and return to God, the Steadfast Love.

With the example of Jesus in God’s steadfast love, I would share with you how we live out a life of love. Please listen carefully and see which aspect of love is close to your heart and calls you for action.

Love is not to convince but to listen and to understand
Love is not to hate but to embrace
Love is not to seek revenge but to forgive
Love is not to possess with greed but to share with generosity
Love is not to make people frightened but to grant peace
Love is not to lie but to speak the truth
Love is not to hurt but to heal
Love is not to control but to let go
Love is not only relevant to individuals, it matters to community. Move beyond our personal life, with the perfect love that lives within us, I would like you to join me in prayer for those who are in power with positions:
- may love move them not to kill but to give life
- may love move them not to oppress but to serve the people
To end my sermon, I would like to share with you the song - “Love changes everything”.

This was a song composed by Andrew LIoyd Webber and was first released 30 years ago in 1989. The inspiration of my sermon title is from this song.

As the song “Love Changes Everything” said,
“Love will never let you be the same”
Love will not let the world be the same.
In the steadfast love of God, nothing will ever be the same!

Lyrics below:
Love, love changes everything
Hands and faces, earth and sky
Love, love changes everything
How you live and how you die
Love, can make the summer fly
Or a night seem like a lifetime
Yes love, love changes everything
Now I tremble at your name
Nothing in the world will ever be the same
Love, love changes everything
Days are longer, words mean more
Love, love changes everything
Pain is deeper than before
Love will turn your world around
And that world will last forever
Yes love, love changes everything
Brings you glory, brings you shame
Nothing in the world will ever be the same
Off into the world we go
Planning futures, shaping years
Love bursts in and suddenly all our wisdom disappears
Love makes fools of everyone
All the rules we made are broken
Yes love, love changes everyone
Live or perish in its flame
Love will never never let you be the same
Love will never never let you be the same

Let us pray
Creator God,
We pray that your steadfast LOVE fills everyone’s heart. May we all live a life of love that brings hope, joy and peace.
May love change us for the goodness of God.
May on earth every mouth give you thanks and glorify your holy name. Amen!

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, August 04, 2019


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