A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 25th May 2008 by Ms. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Isaiah 49:8-16 and Mathew 6:14-24.
Today is Asia Sunday as designated by the Hong Kong Christian Council. Asia Sunday was originally set up in 1974, for churches and ecumenical partners around the world to join with the Christian Conference of Asia to express their solidarity with the churches and the people of Asia in their struggles and hopes.
In May we have been closely connected with the struggles of people in two Asian countries, Burma and China who were seriously hit by the worst Cyclone Nargis and the earthquake in Sichuan Province. The huge loss of life, missing, homes and houses destroyed are horrifying and disheartening.
In the past two weeks after the Sichuan earthquake on 12 May, the news on this terrible disaster were covered in newspapers and electronic media everyday. There are three episodes that I would like to share with you this morning.
The first one is about a man named, Chan Kin, 26 years old. He was rescued after 73 hours. While the relief aid workers were trying to release him from the debris, he kept on speaking to a reporter. He shared that he would not give up his life and he would continue to struggle for the sake of his pregnant wife and the unborn baby. He fought for his life for the sake of his loved one. Eventually he was taken out from the collapsed concrete walls. Unfortunately, after 10 minutes he fell unconscious and passed away. The reporter and the whole rescue team who had tried for five hours with every effort to save his life were very upset and all cried for his death.
The second story is about a 60-years old woman. She survived for 7 days, the lower part of her body was buried and stuck between two big stones. According to the news report, it was the rain that provided the needed water for her and two dogs accompanied her. The dogs used their tongues to clean her face, kept her awake and barked for help.
The third story is about two babies, both survived after the earthquake because they were under their mothers’ protection. Both of their mothers sacrificed their lives in return for the lives of their children. One of the babies was found with her mouth still suckling her mother’s breast. The mother was breast- feeding her when the earthquake occurred. Another baby boy was given a text message by his mother, saying to him, “son, if you stay alive, you must remember that I love you.”
Whenever there are serious natural disasters that cause so much human sufferings, it is natural for us human beings to ask ‘why’? My elder sister asked me once why did the earthquake happen to China and why do the Chinese people suffer so much. Have our people committed sins and God is punishing us? To be honest, I don’t have a ready answer for such a difficult question.
Instead of looking for answers to the question ‘why’, I tried to find out what we can learn from the disasters and God’s grace upon humanity. Human beings and the whole world are the holy creation of our God. As in Genesis 1, God creates everything that is good in his eyes.
Life is a mystery. It is often beyond human comprehension. It is also not by our own efforts that can make us to breathe a bit longer. From the life of Chan Kin, I can see while we have breath, we live out the best of life. Although Mr. Chan died eventually, his desire for life, his spirit of never giving up and pure love for his dear ones was admirable. He had touched many human hearts and gave encouragement to many. His earthly life was finished and yet he was saved by his conviction to struggle for life for the sake of his loved one. It was a life-giving witness. Mr. Chan has somehow lived out the meaning of life by giving hope to other people who are still struggling at the edge of life and death.
For the 60 years old lady, her survival is a miracle that demonstrates our Lord is God of mystery. Life is a mystery. In the critical moment of life and death struggle, the lady is given rain drop and two dogs to save her life. God is God and we are creatures. In front of the great, great holy other, we are nothing. What we can do is to lead a life with respect to life and humbly following Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus teaches his disciples to set their heart to God’s kingdom. Therefore, for no matter what our life situation is, let us live out the best potentials that God has given to us. In addition, it is important to do our best for God, with faith, trusting that God is our holy creator, Father of Jesus who knows our needs and will provide everything we need for us.
In Isaiah 49: 15, it says, “can a woman forget her baby at the breast, feel no pity for the child she has borne? God as our mother gives birth and nurtures us, is always there to give us unfailing and steadfast love. God’s love to her children was not only recorded in the history of the Israelite, but even today, in the horrifying earthquake, the dead mothers tell us once again how God does not forsake her children. In addition, our Lord is God of history and God of humanity. She will never leave us alone.
The horrifying earthquake does not scare people away to strive for self-interest. Instead, this worst disaster since the establishment of the communist government in 1949 has successfully united the hearts of the people in China and Hong Kong, to work together to serve the survivors by taking different initiatives to save and rebuild lives as well as the aftermath tasks. There is also analysis that the earthquake has given a fertile soil for building up a civil society in China, where the citizens themselves have taken strong initiative and collective efforts to achieve social goals for people’s benefits. Setting up of homes to take care of the orphans is one of those initiatives I have heard from the media. People are mobilizing themselves to have different kinds of citizens’ participation in society. There is also a rise of underground non-government organizations providing effective services for the community.
For the central government, they are able to adopt an open and highly transparent approach for media to report about the disasters and relief aids works. In addition, Premier Wen Jiabao went to the disaster region within five hours immediately after the earthquake has occurred. His direct and active participation in the planning and coordinating the life saving actions had won national and international applause for the government’s humanitarian concern for her people. The national mourning day on the 19th of May, marked a new page of China for a government who takes the lives of ordinary people seriously. The national mourning for the earthquake victims and concerted efforts in solidarity with those who suffer in pain, however, should not be an opportunity to arouse ‘patriotic sentiment’ or ‘nationalism’, but a genuine respect of human dignity and concern for human life.
Thousands upon thousands of death and suffering aroused immense compassion and this love of people towards other human kind is a beautiful manifestation of human solidarity. People put aside their differences and self-interest, joining hand in hand with a willing heart to give and share what they have. This is a touching and sacred moment.
While the earthquake in China gets much concern and widespread fund raising actions in the community of Hong Kong, we have to pay attention to the situation in Burma. The suffering and desperation of the Burmese people’s are no less than that of the Chinese people. In yesterday’s South China Morning Post (May 24, 2008), it reported that the effects of Cyclone Nargis are continuing to intensify: the official says 134,000 people are dead or missing while aid agencies estimate that the number of dead could be even far higher. A million people are currently homeless and some 2.5 million people are at risk of starvation and disease. The situation in Burma and the suffering of the people are getting worst because of the brutal government who does not care for the people but their own power and position.
The junta government does not fully allow the international emergency aids to go into the country. Visa to grant foreign aids experts access to the country are still restricted. It thus impedes the full operation of life saving and reducing hardship for the people.
While we appreciate the Chinese government for their immediate emergency relief for her own people, we should expect her to do more for people of other nationality who are also suffering from natural disaster and ‘man-made’ mistakes of the Junta military rule in Burma. It is the responsibility of a country that is one of the members in the international community.
In Matthew 6: 33 (New Jerusalem Bible), Jesus asks the disciples to set their hearts to his kingdom and saving justice. When we witness that in Burma there is such an inhumane and unjust treatment of the Burmese people, how can we keep silent? Therefore we as disciples of Christ, should get involved in this justice issue, by requesting the Chinese government to respond proactively to reduce the plight of the Burmest people and address their needs and rights. China, as a member of the Security Council of the United Nation, should support the international intervention efforts by exerting pressure upon the Burmese military government to open up the country for emergency international aids and emergency relief. It is important to let the affected victims to get access to all basic necessities of food, water, medicine and shelter as soon as possible. Equally important is the request of setting up a people oriented democratic government, to safe guard the human and civil rights of the people. We should be aware that a government is set up for serving people and not for their own power and position. Human rights are a concern in Jesus’ kingdom as he treasures the life and dignity of each person. Solidarity with people who suffer is across nationalities and national bounders because people are all equal and one in God’s creation and salvation.
When natural disasters occurred, people with the holy image and hearts of God have launched different humanitarian assistance. It is a demonstration of God’s compassion and love richly fall upon to her people, Christians and non-Christians. In the old lady’s case mentioned earlier, even animals were involved in the life saving acts. The aftermath reconstruction is a long journey for both countries, continue prayers and concrete support are needed by people from all parts of the world.
As Jesus’ followers, our Lord Jesus Christ has a noble demand from us today for setting our hearts to his kingdom and saving justice. In Jesus’ life of ministry, he has demonstrated his solidarity with the poor, the disadvantaged and marginalized. Are you willing to response to God’s calling today and follow the way that Jesus had done?
Let’s pray:
God, may you bless and keep all creatures in the world that are precious to you. Give us wisdom to understand your good deeds and grace. God, may your gracious love comfort the broken hearts. God, we ask for strength and grant us the courage to respond to your calling and to live out your commandment of loving you, ourselves and our neighbors in needs. Amen.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, May 25, 2008
A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 11th May 2008 by Ms. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 104:24-34 and Act 2:1-21.
Today is Pentecost. ‘Pente’ means fifty. Pentecost was originally an Old Testament festival, on the fiftieth day after the beginning of Passover. In the Christian calendar, it falls on the fiftieth day after Easter. According to Acts, at Pentecost, the Spirit showers down upon the disciples, signifying the birth of the Christian Church and salvation for all in Jesus Christ. With the power of the Holy Spirit, the Church works as agent to bring a new heaven and a new earth.
Spirit in both the Greek word pneuma and the Hebrew word ruach, for which ‘wind’ is a common translation. The wind blows wherever it likes and is out of human control. However, the mystery of the spirit is a promise of God to the disciples after Jesus’ departure from earth. The Holy Spirit is the divine presence of God to give guidance and strength to the disciples so that they are empowered to witness the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Act 2:1-11, when the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, they began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability. Thus, the Holy Spirit is able to empower the community of faith to overcome cultural and psychological barriers by breaking down the language differences. When the disciples spoke the languages of the devout Jews from different nations, they do not only make a breakthrough of languages, but they were able to break the barrier between ‘us’ and ‘them’. When we speak the same language we belong to the same group. (同聲同氣) It helps to build up the cohesiveness amongst the group. The removal of language barrier in a way is an important indication of mutuality. Mutuality is an important element for unity in the faith community
KUC is an international and ecumenical church. This church is unique in that we have members and friends from very diverse cultural backgrounds and traditions. English is our common media of communication. Interestingly, with a rough estimation, over 2/3 of the members and friends who come to our worship and church programs, their first language is not English. In addition, even we communicate in English, since people are coming from different countries, the styles we speak could be different. We can therefore understand that to communicate in a second language other than our own mother tongue would require extra efforts on both parties. Under such circumstances, what entails effective communication and good understanding, patience, acceptance, sensitivity and respect of cultural differences and potential limitations in communicating are all important during the interactive process. The challenge for a church with people of diverse backgrounds is how to address differences when differences are part of life. “Unity embracing diversity” is an important practice of faith in the Christian community. Of course, unity does not mean uniformity. In Acts, the author Luke, has expressed his theology of the church grounded on embracing the diversities of the Christian community. It is through the Holy Spirit that binds believers together in the body of Christ. It is when the Holy Spirit takes charge instead of human beings are we able to overcome differences and potential conflicts, and to focus ourselves to the Lord. In general, I am pleased to experience a high level of acceptance and inclusiveness in KUC. I trust that it is the work of the Holy Spirit and efforts of many to make such an open and inclusiveness realized in the church. Do you agree with me?
A former staff of the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) shared with me about CCA where people working there are conscious that many Asians who join their programs do not speak English as their first language. Therefore the colleagues in CCA are conscious of their pace and use of words in communicating when English is used in order to facilitate clearer communication and mutual understanding. I am impressed by their considerate attitude and appreciate their sensitivity and sincerity to communicate with people from different cultural and language backgrounds.
Holy Spirit is able to break the language barriers by fostering a willing heart to communicate and unite people of different backgrounds. In Acts 2:11, it stated that the disciples were empowered to speak about God’s deeds of power. Whenever we speak for the sake of God, we will be given ability. We will then fear no more. Language as a result should not be a barrier that deters anyone of us to fully participate and serve in the congregation and God’s kingdom. Whenever we have a willing heart to serve and to witness God’s deeds of power, the Holy Spirit will empower us to do so, our ancestors of faith had given us their amazing witnesses.
When a person speaks a language that is not familiar to him or her, that person has to be open, to empty oneself and has to be ready to be filled by the Spirit of God to do something new and amazing. Imagine if a person insists that he or she cannot say or do this and that, then Holy Spirit cannot freely work in him or her. Empting oneself and in obedience of the Holy Spirit is equally important when we commit ourselves to be witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Acts 2:13, there were some people among the crowd sneering at the disciples’ strange way of speaking their languages. This time, Peter stood up and spoke with courage. Peter, Jesus’ closest disciple, the one who once denied Jesus three times after Jesus was arrested because he was so frightened (Mk 14:66-72). At this moment of time, when the Holy Spirit poured upon him, he changed radically and was in full power to witness Jesus Christ the Lord. He addressed the challenge of the crowd publicly, and spoke with wisdom and power.
In Acts 2, Peter quoted the prophet Joel (2:28-29) in his speech. “Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesize, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even for the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit.” In Acts, the inclusive intent of the event is made explicit, men and women, young and old, slave and the free will now share in the access to the message from God given through the Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit goes to anyone of us, no matter who we are, irrespective of gender, age and social-economic status. In our society, people are categorized with hierarchy and social status. But in God, everyone is equal and entitled to serve and have dreams.
When the Holy Spirit pours upon people, they will become the instrument of divine communication to the human race. This capacity is available to all humanity when the Spirit comes upon them. This implies all believers are treated as equal and given the rights to serve and make a difference for God. The words of God through the Holy Spirit enlighten the commitment in our own life to God.
When believers doubt themselves because of their age, qualifications, ability and experience in serving God, the message of Peter quoted from Joel told us that all these concerns should not be a problem at all when we are called by the Holy Spirit to serve the Lord and call his name. Certainly, God will give us different spiritual gifts to fulfill his Kingdom.
The sanctuary color for Pentecost Sunday is red. Red symbolizes the fire of Pentecost as well as the apostles and early followers of Jesus who were gathered in the Upper Room for the empowerment from God to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world. When we are committed to God’s calling and vision, God’s power will be with us. The Holy Spirit will be fully present in our life and will help us to go into the inner life of God.
For Christians, Pentecost Sunday is a day to celebrate hope, a hope evoked by the knowledge that God through His Holy Spirit is at work among His people. It is a celebration of newness, of recreation, of renewal of purpose, mission, and calling as God’s people. It is a celebration of God’s ongoing work in the world. Yet, it is also a recognition that His work is done through His people as He pours out His presence upon them. The Pentecost today indicates the birth of the Church to work, to duplicate the work of Christ in this world.
There’s a Chinese saying, ‘a good start is already half way to success’. At the beginning of the Christian year that symbolizes our earthly work of Christ, let’s be united and empowered through the Holy Spirit, by using our gifts and work together and engage in the mission of God.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, May 11, 2008
A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 4th May 2008 by Rev. Kwok Nai Wang. The scripture readings that day were Amos 5:21-27 and Matthew 25:31-46.
This is the last of the series of nine sermons on “Our Faith in God”. We believe that God is the God of love who cares and continues to act in His whole creation and in each and everyone of us.
Last Thursday, May 1, was Labour Day. Some churches therefore celebrate Labour Sunday this Sunday. It is time for the Church to recognise the hard work and contributions labourers make to the whole society and remember that many labourers throughout the world, Hong Kong workers included, do not receive the full benefits and protection they deserve.
According to the Christian calendar, last Thursday was Ascension Day. That was the day when the Church celebrated the completion of Jesus’ earthly life. God came to the world and intervened in human history through Jesus Christ. The earthly life of Jesus was highlighted by his crucifixion and resurrection. After this, physically, Jesus departed from the world. The Early Church used the symbols of Incarnation and Ascension to mark the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Next Sunday, we will celebrate Pentecost or the coming of the Holy Spirit. Christ continues to be with us in the form of the Holy Spirit.
Our faith in God or essentially our faith in the Triune God: God the Creator, God the Redeemer and God the Sustainer is the One and only God who continues to work in us and through us. Therefore, our faith in God has always life implications. We are demanded to be faithful to God and participate in God’s continuing creating, redeeming and sustaining activities in this world. So the Christian faith or our faith in God compels us to be actively involved in God’s entire creation rather than to hide in a little secure corner we have created for our own safety. The question for the Church to-day is no longer WHY we need to be involved in the world, in the whole social process, but rather HOW. How on earth do we participate in God’s saving acts in this world?
Let us begin with the history of Israel, God’s chosen people. The most important pillar is the Exodus Event which began with the Israelites who were aliens in Egypt since Joseph. When they became numerous and strong, the Egyptians were scared. So they decided to suppress the Israelites: forced the adults to do hard labour as slaves and conducted infanticide – killing all new-born baby boys.
God did not turn away from the suffering of His people. This was what God said to Moses, “I have seen how cruelly my people are being tracked in Egypt; I have heard them cry out to be rescued from their slave-drivers. I know all about their sufferings, and so I have decided to come down to rescue them out of Egypt to a spacious land…” (Ex 3:7-8). So when God sees, hears and knows human suffering, He will respond and act. To-day where are the people who suffer? Where are the people who cry out for help? Are the people in the war-torn areas in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan… in Tribal wars in Darfar, Sudan, in Kenya, in Zimbabwe; in civil unrest in Tibet, in Southern Thailand, in Myanmar, in Sri Lanka or the people who live in abject poverty in every corner of this planet earth…? In Hong Kong, there are almost 200,000 women from the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand and Sub-Asia working as domestic helpers; 50,000 migrant workers working in construction sites; 20,000 sex workers, 2000 asylum seekers…. They are our brothers and sisters. How can we ensure that their basic human rights are respected and safeguarded? These are the little ones whom Jesus identified with.
I led two church retreats during the Holy Week. One for St. Thomas Church on Good Friday and the other for St. Joseph Church on Holy Saturday. I had fruitful discussion on both occasions. Many pertinent questions were raised. One was why Jesus only identified with the poor and the powerless? Is the Christian Gospel for everyone including the rich and the powerful?
This is the story I shared with them
When I was growing up, our family lived near the Botanical Garden on the Hong Kong island. We did not have any toys at home. So on Saturday afternoon, our mother would take my brother and me to the garden to play. Besides the swing, we often played at the see-saw. Since my brother was bigger than I (I guess at least 6-8 pounds heavier than I), had not my mother stood on my side and used her hand to help, I would be on top all the time and the see-saw would not move, much less to move up and down in a speed which both my brother and I enjoyed. That explains why Jesus and His successor the Church, like my mother, need to side with the poor and the powerless.
Let us look at the story of the development of human rights.
In the beginning of time, all human beings were equal. They shared the same rights and responsibilities. They all had the natural world, within it particularly the animal world to combat. There was no privileged class among people.
But as time went on, human greed and selfishness surfaced. For those who were physically stronger, they dominated the scene. They claimed leadership among the weak and the young. Consequently, the more greedy and powerful the leaders, the more rights and privileges they enjoyed. Within a short period of time, the powerful leaders had formed an authoritarian clique. Those in authority enjoyed endless influence and privileges. Immediately this became a snowball effect: those who had the power and privileges amassed even more power and rights while those who had less power would soon become even more powerless and poorer. This phenomenon soon became systematized. Feudalistic or closed societies came into being and dominated the entire world for ages, even up to this day. Of course during the long centuries, there were a few changes, land and wealth, and lately knowledge, skills as well as connections to those in positions of power have taken over mere physical might. To-day, the people who have the economic, the political or perhaps the military power can get whatever they want. Despite the scientific and technological advancement, the gaps between the rich and poor were never so weighty in the human history. Globalization makes this polarization even worse. Unless this trend is slowed down or better still reversed, the world will become even more unstable and chaotic. The Church, God’s servant in the world, just cannot ignore this very grave situation.
Where does the Church start to care? First and foremost, it has to decide to stand alongside the poor and the powerless, the marginalized and the oppressed. This indeed is what the N.T. lesson tells us: Jesus identified fully with these people.
Simple acts of charity can help and are important. We may want to give or to share a little more of what we have to a good cause. We may engage in some kind of volunteer work. Some twenty years ago, the church where I have served for 11½ years decided to care for the elderly who lived nearby the church. Six days a week they were served by the Home Help service, receiving two hot meals a day, but not on Sundays and public holidays (when the home helpers had their days off). So a group of church members cooked a hot meal and after the Sunday worship brought it to these elderly clients. This simple act of love was appreciated especially in the winter months.
But the Church might want to go beyond the simple acts of charity. It was some forty-two years ago when I started to serve in Shek Kip Mei, the first resettlement estate in Hong Kong. One day, a woman came to see me and begged for some money to buy food for her family. Out of my kind heart I complied to her request and gave her a few dollars. Afterwards, we became friends. She lived in Tai Hang Tung Resettlement Estate and worked in a factory in Cheung Sha Wan. So everyday she had to pass through the church where I was the minister. She was a very humble person, trying her best to take care of her family of five. Later I found out that her husband was a drug addict. So I tried to encourage him to kick the habit in Shek Ku Chau. He did. But unfortunately after a few months my friend told me that her husband could not resist peer pressure and took drugs again. Months passed by, my friend did not visit me. But one day, she suddenly came to see me and in tears told me that her husband had sold her 16-year-old girl to a dance hall. I was so shocked that I did not know what to say, much less to help or to comfort her.
After weeks, I recovered from the shock. I learned a very important lesson. When the woman wanted money to buy food, I gave her money. When her husband needed to kick the habit of abuse of drugs, I made the connection… Were these enough? Obviously the answer was “No”. We have to be concerned with the social forces which oppressed the weak and the young.
So no matter how well intentioned and well executed works of charity, they are far from adequate. At best they may serve as stop-gap measures. The Church as a whole should be concerned about the unjust social structures in every corner of the world. For it is preciously because of all forms of social injustice which the weak and the young fall victims and suffer immeasurably.
We may not be able to do a great deal to change the unjust social structures within our life-time. But as a start, we must keep constant vigil about what is going on in the world and around us, especially from the perspective of the marginalized, the poor and the powerless. For often the people in positions of power and authority make decisions to their own benefit while nobody is watching.
In 1981, when London realized that they must return Hong Kong to China no later than 1997, it created a new passport for all citizens born in its own colonial territory called BDTC (or British Dependent Territory Citizen), which effectively deprived the 3.25 million British citizens born in Hong Kong the right of abode and the right of entry to the United Kingdom. Then in 1986, it further distanced itself by changing the name of the passport to BNO (or British Nationals Overseas). By introducing these drastic measures the British government really has abdicated its constitutional as well as moral responsibilities to the citizens in its territory. Worse still, it did that behind closed doors, without the citizens in Hong Kong knowing the details.
Of course, both the British Government and the Chinese Government did not even bother to consult the citizens in Hong Kong about the whole issue of 1997. This naturally contravened the first Article of both the International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) or the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). Again, all Hong Kong citizens were kept in the dark throughout the negotiations between Britain and China from 1982 to 1984.
This is what Micah, an 8th Century B.C.E. prophet in the Southern Kingdom Judah, a contemporary of Isaiah advised God’s Chosen: to do justice, steadfast love and to and walk humbly with God (NJB) or “to do what is just, show constant love and to live in humble fellowship with our God.” (T.E.V. / our pew Bible).
To show constant love or steadfast love means to be in perpetual care and vigil for all the people in the receiving end.
Finally, Micah’s advice to the chosen and to us as well is to walk humbly with God (NJB) or “to live in humble fellowship with our God” (TEV).
One of the problems of the Church or those who engage in charity work is Pride. Pride can easily become a wall between peoples and between ourselves and God.
All his life Jesus has tried to show us the power of humility. The Gospel of Luke specifically mentioned baby Jesus was born in a manger and the first group of people to come to worship the Holy Infant was the shepherds who represented the common folks of the times. The Gospel of John included Jesus’ wasting his disciples’ feet – an act of utter humility – before he physically left his disciples to be crucified. Even at his death, Jesus was nailed on a cross, again a sign of extreme humility. Because of Jesus’ humility, he was able to bring the whole human race to the path of Reconciliation, with God, with each other and with oneself.
With this high note, we end this Lentern and Eastertide series of sermons on “Our Faith in God”. Our faith in God has always life implications. What shall we do concretely? This is for another series of sermons later.
Glory be God the Creator, Jesus Christ our Saviour and the Holy Spirit, our Sustainer: as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.
# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, May 04, 2008