
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

Open our eyes to recognize God

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 8 May 2011 by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 116:12–19; Acts 2:14a; 36–41 and Luke 24:13–35.

Opening prayer:
Dear God of love, may your words inspire us. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us to know you more deeply in our hearts. Amen.

In a journey to the village called Emmaus, two of Jesus’ followers encounter the risen Jesus. One of them named Cleopas. They chat all the way to Emmaus. The story does not tell us what they are talking about. By reading between the lines of their conversations and the context, one infers that they are followers of Jesus who are disappointed by His crucifixion and death. They are disappointed, for they have regarded Jesus as the Messiah of the Jews who would save Israel from the rule of the Roman Empire. But their hope has been totally shattered when Jesus did not resist, but died on the cross. Of course, there are witnesses (women and other disciples) that Jesus’ body was not found in the tomb. But a living Jesus is not seen anyway!

Even at the beginning, when these two disciples had met Jesus, they had not realized that this stranger talking to them was in fact Jesus. Their eyes were kept from recognizing him. Jesus did not tell them straight away that he was the Lord who had been risen from death. Instead, Jesus taught and shared with them the Jewish scriptures that concerned him. Jesus stayed with them for dinner, and was invited by these two men to stay overnight. When Jesus breaks the bread at the table, these two disciples opened their eyes and recognized this man as Jesus. They were filled with joy, and returned to Jerusalem at once to share this great news with other disciples.

In this gospel account, Jesus has taken another approach to reveal himself to the disciples. He does not reveal his resurrection straight away to them, by telling them – ‘Hey I am your Lord Jesus. I am risen!’ He does not reveal; to them his broken body by showing them his side and hand (as he does and recorded in the gospel account of John 20:19-27. According to that account, Jesus let the disciples, including the skeptic Thomas, see and touch his wounds when they are behind locked doors.)

On the contrary, in the journey to Emmaus, Jesus has chosen another way to reveal himself. He conveys to the disciples the word of God, and shares the meal with them by breaking bread. While Jesus is breaking the bread, the two disciples’ eyes are opened and they recognize the risen Lord. Jesus is in their midst! The disciples then return to Jerusalem and share this great news with other disciples.

Here are the spiritual insights that we may gain from the story

1 Jesus revealed himself in the first place by sharing the word of God.
The word of God is able to inspire people. In their reflection later in the night after a whole day journey with Jesus, the disciples share that their hearts are ignited when Jesus talks to him about the scripture. One of the important ways for the disciples to know God is through His word. Therefore reading and understanding of scripture are important for us to know more of God.

These disciples are very much concerned with the fate of their nation --- Israel. Jesus shares with them by starting with Moses and all the prophets -- History of Israel. Jesus let them understand, God is a God of history who cares for his people, and their nation. The word of God does not only reveal Godself, but it is able address individual needs

2 The disciples take the initiative to invite Jesus.
It is notable that the disciples invited our Lord to stay with them. God likes to have our invitation extended to Him. If we wish to recognize Him, our initiation made to God is important too.

How about disciples of Christ today? Do we open our ears to listen to the word of God and let our heart be ignited by the Holy Spirit? Do we invite the Lord to stay with us?

One challenge to us is: are our eyes open to recognizing the presence of God when we see people who share their lives and forgiving love with us?

3 Jesus’ breaking of bread – this is an important moment when the eyes of the two disciples are opened and they recognize him.
Why do they recognize Jesus at this moment of bread breaking?
- Remember Jesus institutes the Lord’s supper at the night when he is betrayed. He tells his disciples to remember him when they share the bread and the wine in the holy communion.
- The action of breaking of bread, reminds them the life of the Lord -- his life giving and sharing nature.
- The breaking of bread and sharing with one another is something very basic in our life, as we all need food to sustain our life. Our God is present in our midst, in our day-to-day life. God has been feeding us the bread of life.

Jesus breaking of bread: feed us the bread of life.
Today is the Mother’s Day. Jesus’ breaking of bread, and his followers recognizing him as Lord, at that very moment, has led me to think of my mother.

When I was a teenager, my neighbors of my age told me that their impression of my mother was she was a cooking mum. They said every time they saw her, she was cooking. My mother, was an ordinary woman, her way to love her children was to provide something basic to keep their biological their life. When I was small our family was quite poor. To feed a family of eight children was never easy. But my father and mother had shouldered this responsibility to take care of us.

I see God in my mother, a woman who led a humble life, a life in which she did her best to share her love with her children. My mother, who gave me a biological life on earth, led me to recognize God, a God of Life who creates this world with many different organisms. I cannot help but give thanks to God for giving me a loving and life-giving mother. My mother has revealed the glory of God. My mother has revealed God’s love to me.

Now I am a mother of two. I have to reflect deeply on the question: How do I lead a life of love so that my children will recognize God through me? This is the challenge for a Christian mother. This is a challenge to everybody who is called by God to be His faithful disciple.

On this day, Mother’s day, I remember many mothers who are not able to celebrate this special day with their children because of their life circumstances.

I feel strongly that Jesus is revealed to us in these mothers. If we open our eyes to see these women, their pains and struggles, strength and courage, we are able to recognize God in them

These women include:
Mothers who stay away from home and work somewhere else to give financial support to their family.

Mothers whose children and husband are jailed because of unjust system, or seeking asylum somewhere but not at their own home. I think of the wife of Hu Jia.
The Tian’anmen mothers who have mourned the death of their children who died in the Democratic Movement in 1989.

The list is long and I am unable to include all here.

Let’s remember and pray for them.

4 The climax of the story is the two disciples going back to Jerusalem immediately after their eyes have opened and they have recognized Jesus as their Lord.
The story does not stop after the disciples recognize Jesus as the risen Lord.
- The two disciples go back to Jerusalem immediate after they recognize the risen Lord.
- They do not care if the road is too dark at night. They do not care the danger they may face when they are going back to Jerusalem to meet other disciples and to share with them this good news of Jesus’ resurrection and their direct encounter with the Lord.
- We witness how they have tansformed their confusion to action;
- They have replaced their disappointment with hope
- Their grief has turned to joy

The basis of hope and joy is their direct encounter with Jesus. They are very much encouraged and empowered after they have encountered Jesus the Lord.
Our courage and commitment to take action to witness God is very important.
Taking action reveals the full recognition of God in the life of the disciples

God has given us the living words. Jesus Christ has revealed to us God’s forgiving, loving and life-giving nature. As his disciples, how do we follow the footstep of Jesus and become his faithful witness?

Sisters and brothers in Christ, let us open our eyes and recognize Him through His words and deeds; by our immediate action let us bear witness to the world. Amen.

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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