
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

“The Glory of God cannot be hidden”

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 10 February 2013 by Roy Njuabe. The scripture readings that day was Luke 9:28-43.

Let us pray: O Lord, open our eyes to see your presence, open our ears to hear your voice, open our hearts to receive your love. Help us to hear and to receive you in Words that our mouths may proclaim your praise. Amen.

Did you once have an experience where you are at an amazing event and someone is preaching on a very interesting topic and you are so sleepy that you can`t control yourself. You tried to open your eyes but you can`t. You were really drunk at sleep. But when you wake up from your slumber, the event was almost at the end and you noticed that the atmosphere was really excited and people were curious about what they saw or heard. At that moment you did try to get a glimpse of what had happened. You turn around and ask some friends: what happened, what did he talk about? You did your best to capture a moment which may help you join the crowd.

Bible encounter:
In the gospel of Luke, Jesus took Peter, John and James and went up to the mountain. As he was praying, amazing things happens; his face became as bright as flashing of lightning, Moses and Elijah appeared in glorious splendour, talking with Jesus about his departure. However Peter, John and James were very asleep. The bible said VERY SLEEPY. When I read this text, I wonder why these guys were sleepy, was it because they were so tired after walking all the way to the top of the mountain? Or were they hungry? With the entire amazing thing happening around them; flashing of lightning, Jesus face shining; these three men Peter, John and James were VERY SLEEPY. Wow

If I may ask you today: what can make you fall asleep when you are in the presence of God in fellowship with one another; is it tiredness, or the prayer is too long, or the sermon is too long and boring, (this sermon is very short so please don`t fall asleep) or may be someone is saying something which is irrelevant to you or let’s say you are too busy that your mind is away from what is happening around you.

At one point you may wake up from your slumber, you’ve missed all the interesting part of the event or speech. Now, you are trying your best to get an idea of what had happen; sometimes it is not too late, but sometimes may be too late when the event is over and the guest speakers are leaving.

Peter, John and James, at the mountain top experience were very sleepy, they couldnt capture in full what was going on, but when they became FULLY awake, they saw His glory and two men standing with Jesus. But it was almost toward the end of the whole event, and the guest speakers Moses and Elijah were leaving. In Luke 9: 33 it says “as the men were leaving Jesus, Peter said to Jesus “master, it is good for us to be here. Let us put up three shelters- one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. (Peter did not know what he was saying).

I love Peter in such situation, he is always very smart. When he woke up from sleep and saw the last part of the event, he immediately knew that something amazing had happen and his mind was like, how can I comprehend what just happened? May be keep the guest speakers to stay for one more night so that I may spend some time with them knowing what really happened. Well, as I mention, at times it may be too late, the guest speakers are leaving.
When we are in the presence of God in fellowship with one another but not fully present, we may miss out important point and when the whole event is over and we didnt fully comprehend what happen, yet we struggle to draw our conclusion or think of the best way to save the result, which at times may be different from the view of those who were listening. 

We may have similar struggles with our faith, we struggle with our faith, we sleep in our faiths, we are trying to see Jesus in different situation; this Jesus that I knew yesterday, today he is different, he answered my prayer yesterday but today I had no reply from Him. The disciples may be wondering; this Jesus who came up this mountain with a normal face, but now his face is shining. We may wonder, why our heart is so veiled from God`s word, we can’t understand.

However, in our slumber, in our confusion, Gods glory will never be hidden from us.

Peter while in his confused state of mind to build three tents, God speaks to them “This is my son, my chosen one, listen to Him”. The bible emphasized, “When he spoke these words Jesus was ALONE”.
Wow, the disciples may wonder that the whole event that happened, which they missed from the start was directed to one man, Jesus Christ.
We may miss the direction in our lives but we can never miss the voice of God, God will always reveal himself to us. However we may be stubborn to listen or follow his way. Gods glory can never be hidden from us.
According to some theologians;
Moses brought us the law
Elijah brought us prophesies
Jesus brought us Grace.

According to this event, the law and prophesies are gone but Grace stays.
Jesus ALONE at the end of the experience, God said “This is my son; listen to Him”.

It is not by law, it is not by prophesies, it is Grace alone that we are set free, set free from our unbelieves, set free from our slumber, set free from our sinful nature. It is all by Grace through this one person Jesus Christ.

The grace flows from the mountain top to the mountain down. 

The next day when Jesus and the disciples came down from the mountain top, the bible said a great crowd met him and a man in the crowd cried out to the Lord, in verse 38 “Teacher, I beg you to look at my son; he is my only child, suddenly unclean spirits are troubling him; but your disciples cannot do the job well to cast out the unclean spirit. Jesus answered, “you faithless and perverse generation, how much longer must I be with you and bear with you? Bring the son here…. Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit healed the boy and gave him back to his father.
It was by Grace that this boy was healed; that the unclean spirit could leave this boy. This boy was set free from the unclean spirit by God`s Grace.
We are set free from all our unclean actions by God`s grace alone, not by our works.

But remember this, if there is one thing you may remember from this sermon, remember this, it takes faith to do Gods work. Whether small or big faith, it takes faith to do Gods work. Some people may view Pastoring as something too simple, it is not. In pasturing, you need faith. You may encounter very difficult situations, situations that are beyond your understanding. What you need is faith, faith in God, knowing that it is God in action, not you. So act boldly. In 2 Corinthians 3:12, it says “since we have such hope, (hope in Jesus) we act with great boldness”.

Therefore Paul said “Since it is by Gods mercy that we are engaged in this ministry, we do not lose heart. We have renounced the shameful things that one hides; we refuse to practice cunning or to falsify Gods word; but by the open statement of the truth we commend ourselves to the conscience of everyone in the sight of God. And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing”.

Gods glory can never be hidden, however it can be hidden from those who veiled their heart. Amen 

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, February 10, 2013

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