
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  


A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 16 October 2016,  the twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost, by Timothy Chan. The scripture readings that day were Jeremiah 31:27–34; 2 Timothy 3:14–4:5; Luke 18:1–8.

Good morning brothers and sisters, I have a mixed feeling to share the message to you this morning. As I look at the scriptures, I was like, God you really need to help me. After reading these three passages, one word came into my mind, which is Persistence. We all know it is something good, a virtue. However, it is the most difficult virtue for me to attain. Persistence does not only mean doing something for a long period of time, if this is the case, it will be easy for me, because I can sit in front of my laptop and play computer game for a whole day! This morning, the passages we read is talking about the persistence to pray, the persistence to live for God, and being God’s people and Christ follower persistently. Let us pray before we go into the scripture.

Faithful God, may You teach us the lesson of persistence. May You inspire us and give us strength to be persistent on the things we should do as a Christ follower. And May the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you. Amen.

When we look at the gospel reading today, Jesus was telling them a parable about their need to pray always and not to lose heart. There were two characters in the story. One is a bad judge, who fears not God and respects no one. Jesus called him the unjust judge. The other one is a widow. Widow is a very vulnerable group in the Jewish tradition. Since they have no right to inherit the land of their husband and they have very limited civil right. In a society where only men can voice out for women, widows have no way to present any case if they have been mistreated. Throughout the Old Testament, we have seen widows being victimized and exploited. This widow is actually taking a huge step, voicing out for herself, and hoping that this unjust judge would listen to her plea and grant her justice. It seems like a mission impossible. However, the ending of this parable is surprising. The cold judge granted her justice, because he does not want to hear her voice anymore! This is obviously not a very good reason. However, the widow has finally got the justice she had been asking for.

By telling this parable Jesus is not saying God is actually a bad judge that he only answers your prayer because he doesn’t want to hear your voice anymore. The parable is suggesting “If a hard hearted judge can be moved to act, how much more will your God be willing and eager to help the children of God?” How much more! Most of the time, we are hesitated to pray or to ask for help. I am not sure how many of you have similar thought as me. “Oh these things are too minor! Don’t bother God with these”, or “God’s will is always higher than mine, why do I even have to pray?” It seems theologically sound, but, for me, it is only an excuse to cover up our doubt. We are suspicious of prayer, we have no faith that God would listen to our prayer, so we give up praying to God. We might think that the prayer is never going to be answered, so we stopped praying. We might think that our prayer request is sooo insignificant, that we think God would not care!

However, this passage leads us to reflect on our prayer life. What do we usually ask for and pray for? Look at the widow in the story, she is praying for justice. She asks for justice from a judge! Jesus says in the parable “Will not God grant justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them” Prayer is not a list of requests, a job, a car, a house, a partner, but a way to cry out for justice. We have to be persistent in seeking justice! How many of you have given up on doing something good or something right when you face pressure or difficulties? Persistence is not just doing something continually, but, according the oxford dictionary Persistence is: The fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. In spite of difficulty or opposition. In many countries nowadays, if you criticize the government, you will be killed, jailed, and maybe disappeared! Sometimes speaking the truth and seeking justice would bring you a lot of problems. For people who have been mistreated or victimized, it is very often that they would choose to be silent and give in to injustice. Being persistent requires you and me to speak out loud and to believe that God is a good judge! Just like the widow, even though the judge is bad, she keeps on pushing and finally she received the justice she asked for.

It is sad for me to read a recent report about sexual harassment in church setting in Hong Kong. This survey is conducted by the Hong Kong Christian Council, and they collected data through questionnaire, asking people’s opinion and experience about this issue. Among the 304 people who finished the questionnaire. 10% of them reported that they had experienced different degree of sexual harassment in church, and what makes me sad is, only 3 of them have reported to the ministers and deacons in the church. Some of you might think, well, we shouldn’t talk about this in church. However, the passage we read today suggests the other way, the widow keeps pushing until she is granted the justice! Widow as the very vulnerable group in the society, we could imagine that this widow had maybe experienced sexual assault too! When we choose to be silent over injustice, it actually shows green light to the evildoers. Do not be afraid to bring your case before God. Our God is just and righteous! Even if you have been praying for so long, but you still have not seen any progress of your situation, the bible is telling us, never to lose heart.

Being persistent also requires us to cope with disappointment. I have No idea how many times the widow in this parable has been rejected, and how long she had been crying out to the judge! but she never gives up. Being a Christian doesn’t exclude you from disappointment and bad things. Instead of blaming God or giving up, we may learn how to pray, and be persistent during hardship, and not to lose heart even when there seems no hope. This parable challenges us to reflect our spiritual life, our theology on prayer, and our relationship with God, and help us to grow as a Christian and to live according to the teaching of God.

In the book of second Timothy, the writer reminds Timothy to “Proclaim the message, be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable; convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching.”  For Timothy, his mission or his calling is to be a minister and church leader in Ephesus. Therefore, his mission is to lead the church and teach the people about the Good news of God! Well, you may say it’s not me, O Lord, not everyone is called, or wants to be a church leader. However, we all have different goals and dreams to achieve, and we have different ways to glorify God and live out a life as a Christian. The message of this letter is not only for those who work in church or mission field, but for everyone who carry their cross and follow Jesus, and for everyone who is saved through faith in Christ Jesus.

In verse 16-17 it says, All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that EVERYONE who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work. So be persistent on doing good works too! NO matter the time is favorable or unfavorable. Sometimes I heard from my friend saying to me, I will do the offering when I have extra, what do you by extra? or when I have done a big deal, what do you mean by a big deal? then I would donate to the church, well, you know donation and offering are two different concepts, by offering, we offer what God has entrusted to us, so that we are involved in the good works carried out by the church. A few weeks ago, we have a bible study in our refugee fellowship, and we talked about good work and helping others. They have countless testimonies to share! Even their situation in Hong Kong are so tough and needy, they are still trying to help each other, or even they told us how they helped the elderlies in HK, and homeless people on the street, buying them food and water!

I was so touched when they were sharing these testimonies with us, even their life is soo insufficient, they still choose to live a life of care and mercy. They may say “we are refugee, what do u want from us!” but they choose to be persistent in living out a life of a Christian, to share what they have with others, and bring people to know God, and encourage those who are in despair. Even they are not a church leader, but they are doing what exactly the bible is telling us to do. It is not about whether we are having a good time or not, but it is about what decision we make, whether to do good or not.

So, what is good? How can we be sure we are doing something right? It can be a very philosophical and theological question right? The passage we read today in the second Timothy is really helping us to understand what the bible means in our Christian life, and what does it mean to do good work. ~~ While a lot of people are using scripture as a weapon to judge and condemn people. This passage is telling us the scripture is useful for training in righteousness, so that we, believers may be proficient and equipped for every good work. Some are using the bible to justify hatred, discrimination, wars and injustice. However, the writer urges us to be sober and put up a sound doctrine!

It is easy for us to say “The bible says this this this and that that that”, it is easy to read the bible literally, or I should say it is a temptation for us to understand the bible literally. To be sober means, we have to be aware of the context of the text and passage we read. It is easy to condemn people with one or two verses, but the book urges us to be sober, to think, to meditate, to study, and most importantly, read it through the context of others. Different people from different cultures would have different inspiration from the same passage. Kowloon Union Church hosts bible study every Thursday night and I was there this week. Rune has led us to read the bible with Manga style, a comic style! It’s a brand new experience for me! Actually different understanding of the bible would only enrich our understanding of faith and spiritual life, rather than leading to conflicts and division. It is not our different understanding leads to division, but our pride, and prejudice lead us to hatred and exclusion.

You can imagine, in the early church, there are tons of different doctrines! You can imagine a church with so many different experience and theologies in Ephesus, and it is also true that the early church always experience conflicts within the congregation. More than that, the early church faced many persecutions from the roman empire. That’s why the writer of this letter encouraged us, //endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully. // There are times, doing good works, being a Christian, would lead you to suffering and even more difficulties than it was. If you proclaim Jesus as your savior in certain countries, you are risking your life to do that. Recently we have a few Christian families coming from the middle east and Africa seeking asylum in Hong Kong, coming to our church. Many of them are converted Christians, from Islam. They lost everything, and risked their life coming to Hong Kong, and one time, I heard a mother teaching her children about God, and teaching her children to believe in Jesus. Even when this family still had nowhere to live, the mother is already volunteering, to cook for other refugees! For me this mother might not be a church leader, but she demonstrates what it means to carry out the ministry fully, whether the time is favorable or unfavorable.

In Hong Kong, living out our faith might cost us a lot too right? I am not sure about your case, but this morning, is a good opportunity for us to reflect, what does it mean to be God’s people. Or else, we would never know why we have to be persistent, let it be to pray, to seek justice and peace, to care and share, or to live out a life glorifying God.

So Why? Why do we have to do all these? I shared before the sermon that it is very difficult for me, to be persistent. One of the reasons is that, why do I have to? What is the purpose of all these sufferings because I choose to do something good? I might not have a perfect answer for you this morning. However, we might be able to understand more through the passage we read in the book of Jeremiah. The Israelites turned their back to God again and again. And yet God would never give up on them. God has rescued them many times from their enemies, but then the Israelites were too quickly to forget what God has done for them, and they worship other gods and follow the evil ways. Brothers and sisters, the reason to persist can be very simple. Because God loves us. We can stop for a second and think about how much God has done in our life. And we, sometime OR most of the time, like those Israelites in the bible. We forget what the Lord has done for us, then we started to lose heart, lose faith, and get lost in the midst of sufferings and disappointments.

In Jeremiah chapter 31:33, the Lord says “I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.” Being a Christian is a relationship with God. Christianity is not just a philosophy, or stacks of teaching, e.g. to love another, and do good things, so on and on. Our Christian Faith is more than rules and regulations, dos and don’ts. Our faith is a relationship between God and us and the creation. Our faith is about How Jesus Christ suffers with us and reconciles the creation with God. Our faith is about how the Holy spirit is always with us, no matter we forget about it or not. God loves us persistently, how many times we have run away, turn our back, but God is always there for us. Today we might be asking why we have to be persistent. But one thing we have missed, is to realize God is loving us persistently, so that we can repay him in every little thing we do. We love because he first loved us. Amen.

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, October 16, 2016

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