
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

Transforming Grace

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 26 February 2017, Radio Broadcast Service, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Exodus 24:12-18; Matthew 17:1-9.

Opening prayer:
Holy Spirit comes to us.  Open our heart to receive your word. May your Word inspire and transform us in Your grace.
May all glory be to you God, the light of the world. Amen.


My father
By March this year, my father would have passed away for 10 years.

Jesus’ mysterious encounter with God on the mountain led me to remember my father’s mysterious encounter with God when he was critically ill in hospital.

My father suffered from lung problems. Eighty per cent of his lung was damaged. He was sent to the hospital when he could hardly breathe. One night his condition was critical and he was struggling with life and death. But he was saved. The next day when I visited him he shared with me his vision. He said while he was lying on the bed, a man wearing a white robe came to him. This man spoke to him, ‘you are a good man and you will not die so soon.’ After saying this he left. My father could describe very clearly his vision. He said both my sister and I were also present. He could even remember the exact location we were standing beside him. After the vision in that critical night, my father recovered a bit and was discharged from the hospital. He then confirmed his faith and was baptized a week before he passed away. I witnessed how my father changed after his mysterious encounter with the man wearing a white robe when he was half conscious and half sleeping.

After that encounter, he always mentioned about a word - truth. He said with truth inside his heart, life becomes so different. At that time I had no idea what he meant by truth because it was not a familiar word that he used.

During that period of time, my father was in and out hospital quite often. Whenever I visited him at home or in the hospital, he was open and ready to share his feeling. He shared a lot of his past – both successes and failures. In those days, he expressed his deep appreciation to our mother. He shared with me and other sisters how our mother supported him when he was struggling hardship in life. I was amazed by his courage to face his vulnerability and brokenness. When he was young, he had an accident. Half of his right foot was amputated. He always wore sock with that foot and did not allow anyone to see it. But now he no longer hides his broken foot and broken past. He allowed my elder sister to message his body. This was a breakthrough because he always kept physical distance from his daughters.  

During that period of time, although my father suffered from illness, he was happy. I believed that it was the spirit of truth inside him that set him free. He said it was the happiest time in his life. Can you image an old man of 86, in and out hospital, suffering from breathless moments saying, this is the happiest time in his life?

He was relaxed to face the reality of death. He had even openly talked about how he would like his body to be buried after death. His wish was to bring his ashes back to his home town in China. I witnessed the transforming grace my father had gone through after his personal encounter with God.

While Jesus and Moses encountered God in the mountain, my father encountered God in hospital and in his illness. Mountain can be taken as a symbol of God’s divine presence. We can encounter God’s divine presence and subsequent transforming grace in a place that we may not have thought of.

Of course, we may not necessarily have the dramatic experience like Moses, Jesus, his inner circle of disciples such as Peter, or like my father. But we still have the opportunity to encounter with the divine power and experience God’s transforming grace in Christ.

The word ‘transfigured’ translated in Greek meaning changes deeply within a person.

The mountain to encounter God’s divine presence that may bring changes within a person could be in the worships, in the retreats, in the market, in the kitchen, in bedroom, in the classroom, in the work place and in the demonstrations… anywhere and anytime that you can think of.  But it requires our attentions and presence.

Transforming Grace – require us to spend time with God

Moses, Jesus and his disciples encountered God in the mountain. Although the mountain could be taken as a symbol of God’s presence, physical setting however is important to help us to stay close to God. Our deliberate effort to set aside time and a suitable venue to retreat, to pray, to speak and to listen to God is extremely important and necessary.

We live a very busy life in HK. Our work is demanding. Our family is demanding. The instant news and massive information flow everyday are very overwhelming. Many unresolved social problems, social conflicts and divisions are depressing to many people.  The advanced technology in our hands compels us to respond immediately. Living in such a stressful and fast moving society, we need to be spiritually aware, to slow down, and let our soul be still and be connected to God. The Psalmist has reminded us ‘Be still and know that I am God’. (Psalm 46:1)

Only when we open ourselves, and prepare space and time for God, are we able to encounter God’s full presence and receive Christ’s transforming grace.

Today is the last Sunday of Epiphany. Next week we will start a new season of Lent. Lent is a season to remind us to pray, to fast and to give. Lent is an important time for Christians to walk with Jesus, in his wilderness and in his passion.

Transforming grace – Listen to Jesus

The vision of Jesus’ transfiguration is spiritually rich and we could be inspired in many different ways.

One of those is about Peter’s reaction. Peter was amazed by the glorious moment when Moses, Elijah and Jesus were all together. He wanted to keep this fantastic and glorious moment by building dwellings. But it was definitely not the idea of Jesus. After the transfiguration, Jesus went down the mountain with his disciples. He went back to the community to heal the sick and to serve the needed. God’s glory cannot be contained into a dwelling. In a similar way, the church which is built to witness Christ and honor God should never be reduced to a building. No matter how beautiful the church building, if the Church is not living a life like Christ to serve the needed and to do justice for the oppressed, it is nothing in God! Christ has called the church to bring God’s kingdom on earth as in heaven and transform the world by his grace.

In the transfiguration vision, Jesus’ appearance was changed and he was filled with the divine glory. This majestic image revealed Jesus’ divinity. He was fully divine and fully human.  A divine voice from the cloud asked the disciples to listen to Jesus, God’s beloved son, with him he was well pleased.

In the past few Sundays, we have heard many of Jesus’ teaching on the mount through the gospel of Matthew. To mention a few, Jesus taught us to forgive, to love your enemy, to give with generosity, to pray with sincerity, to take the cross and deny yourself .

The transfiguration vision today reminds us to listen to Jesus. Listening requires us to remember and live out Jesus’ teaching with efforts. Jesus in his earthly life had set a good example for us to follow. We have to listen to his words and follow his deeds. Sisters and brothers, let us do our best. And let us also help each other and support each other to make our life and our church bear witness to Christ. We know we cannot walk alone.

In the vision of Jesus’ transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appeared. According to biblical commentaries, Moses represents the Law, Elijah represents the prophet, and Jesus represents Grace. The divine voice from the cloud spoke to the disciples and asked them to listen to Jesus. At the end, both Moses and Elijah disappeared. Only Jesus stayed. 

The vision suggests that grace is the most important. The Law and the Prophets must give way to Jesus. Jesus Christ is the new and living way in replacing the old – He is the fulfillment of the Law and the countless prophecies in the Old Testament.

Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son who reveals God’s glory and honor came to transform the world with his grace. Jesus came to love and to liberate. Jesus’ transforming grace reminds us to challenge all rigid rules and traditions that enslave people. For example, the literal interpretation of the bible to justify women’s second class status and discrimination against homosexuals need to be revisited and re-examined. As Christians we need to learn from Jesus. Open our hearts to him, the light of the world and the Holy Spirit that guide us to the truth and set us and the world free.

From the transfiguration vision, another episode that inspired was Jesus’ response to his terrifying disciples -‘Get up and do not be afraid’

 When the divine voice from the cloud told the disciples to listen to Jesus, they fell to the ground and were overcome by fear. Listening to Jesus was a great challenge to the disciples. Listening to Jesus requires obedience and follow Christ’s way of life. Christ’s way of life is suffering, pain and death. Before Jesus took Peter, John and James to the mountain, he told them he would suffer, be killed but would rise from the death. The spiritual journey with Jesus is indeed a tough one. It is a narrow road to go.

Jesus knew that to walk in his way is hard. But he assured his disciples by going to them, touching them, and encouraging them by saying ‘get up and do not be afraid.’

In following Christ’ way of life, Christians speak the truth, practice freedom of religion, defend the weak, forgive and reconcile with your enemy…all these require us to pay the cost, big or small. Some sisters and brothers have had lost their homes, freedom or even their lives.

To listen to Jesus and follow his footstep is a hard way to go. Up on the mountain Jesus spoke to his terrified disciples, “get up and do not be afraid.” Today, Jesus speaks to us who are frightened and hesitate to follow him, ‘Get up and do not be afraid.’  This is the grace given by Jesus Christ, the One who has deeply changed on the mountain top and revealed his divinity in God’s glory.

Sisters and brothers, will you come and receive this transforming grace from Christ, and to make changes in your life and in your faith journey?

God bless!

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, February 26, 2017

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