
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

Transformation through His Love

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 24 March 2019, the Third Sunday of Lent, by the Rev. Roy Njuabe. The scripture readings that day were Isaiah 55:1-9; Luke 13:1-9; Psalm 63:1-8.

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ:
            I am so glad to be home. I can see many old faces that I remember, some new ones too. All look good.
            Greetings from the Vine Church, Branches of Hope, greetings from Agape Home Foundation in Cameroon that I will be talking about shortly, greetings from my family, who are not here with me today, because today is my daughter Mizpah`s birthday and she had a date with her friends this morning. You know, as a parent, do not disrupt the plans of your children because of your duties. Yes, I can see some parents nodding their head. I hope you can understand what I mean. They are having fun now.  While they are having fun, I am glad to share with you what God put on my heart.

Let us pray; Lord, may the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You my Lord. Amen

            There are so many troubles in our world today. Everyday somebody is killed, either by a bullet, or natural disaster. Over the past weeks, the world had witnessed all kinds of disasters; Mozambique and Zimbabwe were affected by cyclone Idai, that took away the life of more than 200 people and the death toll keeps rising. The plane crash in Ethiopia that killed 158 people.  There is a lot of hate in this world that the word love is like a myth. Is there true love?
            At Christchurch, a white supremacist took the lives of 50 people in a mosque, African migrants killed in Libya and some sold as slaves, those fleeing persecution drowned at the sea trying to reach a safe place. In Nigeria hundreds of Christians killed by extremists. Politicians disappeared, and nobody is held responsible.
            As I am speaking right now to you, people are dying in Southern Cameroon. The military that was stationed to protect civilians are the ones killing them, raping women, burning homes and stealing properties.
            In the mist of all the Chaos, God still speaks love through people. There are people who are working day and night to help those affected. Some provide the resources, others their time and skills. We all need to come together to make a difference. 
            In Cameroon, people are dying every day, women and children live in bushes because of the fear that they will be killed by the military or armed separatist group. In a country where the military is above the law, there are some within the military that will take advantage of their impunity to commit crimes against humanity. A community without a strong legal system always keeps the weak at the mercy of the powerful. Children can be abandoned by family, there is no law enforcement about child neglect. Parent can beat their children, there is no law enforcement about child abuse. Women can be raped, there is no law enforcement about rape. Where can the victims run to when their attackers got the power and money to pay their way out of justice? Yes, nothing will happen to them, so they can do whatever they want; beat that child, rape that girl, kill that politician, oh yes, I got the power and money. When a system is corrupt, we find it hard to bring real justice. When the weak cannot find justice, they stay quiet and buried their hurt, because there is no one to fight for them.

Standing with the vulnerable:
            What can we do with all these problem in our world, in our communities, in our homes? Who will fight for the most vulnerable in countries where the strong can get away with their crimes, who will speak up? Who will stand with the vulnerable?
            God is calling us. Are you ready to move? When God calls you, remember that He want to send you. God is not just interested in calling you or you coming to Him, He is interested in your transformation and you going out to bear witness and stand with the vulnerable. That is why Isaiah prophesied about the Spirit of God that is on Jesus so that He will “proclaim good news to the poor, bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn (Isaiah 61:1-2b).

Agape Home Foundation:
            There are people and organizations that God has called, transformed, anointed so that they can proclaim freedom to the captive and bind the brokenhearted. One of these organization Agape Home Foundation in Cameroon. The people of this organization, both staff and volunteers, walked through the streets of Cameroon, enter homes and dangerous places looking for victims; those abused, children abandoned, raped victims, pregnant ladies with no husband, widows abused by family in-law. They took these victims into safe places where they can start to rebuild their lives again, fight for justice and empower others. They provided children with the opportunity to go back to school, young pregnant women to learn new skills in order to take care of their children, and to fight for justice for those abused. Over the past years this organization had endeavored to empower thousands of young women, children and widows across Southern Cameroon.
            However, the last few years since 2016 had been the most challenging time of this organization and other working on the ground to serve the vulnerable. Their work has become even harder because the crisis in Cameroon had caused many children to become orphans because their parent was killed in the fighting. Many women became widows because their husbands were killed, many young girls became pregnant because they were raped, and many families became homeless because their homes were burned down. In the midst of all this chaos, the world is silent and gave the attacker an upper hand to continue the attack on the most vulnerable. When things are going bad, and the world is silent, know that there is God who is never silent. Even when the world was silent God spoke through a mad man as he wrote on the wall “If Biya (President of Cameroon) joke, Me God I don’t joke. He was arrested and later released.

Turn to God:
            When things go wrong, let us turn to God knowing that He does not joke.
That this why David when he was in the desert in Judah cried out to God, God my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you in a dry and parched land where there is no water (Psalm 63:1).
            Why did David cry out to God, because the remembered the power and glory of God that he saw in the sanctuary, he remembered that the love of God is better than life as he said “I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and glory, Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you” (Psalm 63:2-3). What a beautiful way to express agony. Even in the mist of agony we can still trust God and glorify His name.
            The people of Cameroon can still trust God because of His love.

The Love of God:
            God truly loves the world, but Satan has made it a place for killers. As Jesus once said, you turn the house of God into a place of robbers. The world God created and said it is beautiful has become a graveyard for innocent people. However, God still loves the world that is why He send his only begotten son so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Jesus came to proclaim good news to the poor and bind the wounds of the brokenhearted. Out of an overflow of His Love, He died on the cross so that we can be transformed. Remember that His death on the cross was for free, we don’t need to pay for it. As Isaiah said, let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them and to our God, for he will freely pardon. (Isaiah 55:7b). All we need is repentance as Luke 13: 3 says unless you repent, you too will all perish”. God has paid the ultimate price of our transgression by offering His Son out of love so that we can be free.

Acknowledgment of God`s Love:
            When I look back into my life, I think of the things that I did wrong; the people I hurt, the offenses I committed; the people I betrayed, the hate, jealousy and the cheating. I wonder what kind of life I will live without God. I was so ashamed of myself and wonder what kind of life did I live; am I even worthy to stand before God?  Who can forgive me? I failed so many times, no matter how I tried to be good, I failed, no matter how I tried to trust God, I failed, I failed so badly that I don’t know what to do. Then I think of the cross, I think of the power of the cross, the power of God`s salvation, His love. I listen to Him calling my name saying Roy, my son, come with me. I will show you my love. No matter what you did, yes, it was wrong, yes it was bad, but I am glad you confess them to me and stand firm not to do them again. Of course, my child when you make a mistake, do not hesitate to come back to me because I am your God and will always love you. Do you remember the cross, the one which I died on? It is not just the cross, it is God’s love that make the cross visible. When Jesus said it is finished, it is all gone. Then I realized how much God has done for me, I remember His power and glory, so my lips will glorify His name. Because of His love, I stand with the afflicted, the brokenhearted so that they can experience the love of God. The people of Cameroon and the refugees in Hong Kong and all of us, listen the Lord is calling, come to me those who are thirsty, and I will give you Living water.

Do not give up:
            God called, transformed and sent us to work in His vineyard. Sometime the work can be disappointing. No better result, there is still war, people are still dying, the powerful and wicked people still own the land. Yes, even the refugee crisis never stops, the war in Cameroon is still going on. Why should I waste my time and money? I have worked so hard Lord, it is time to give up. I wanted you to see some fruits of my labor, but there is nothing to show. I just want to stop being a Good Samaritan. Lord for three years you have being coming here and there is no fruit on the tree, oh yes, many years of hard labor, giving out money to organizations, let us stop now, because there is nothing fruitful. Wait a moment, Lord give me one more year, yes that is what Luke told us, the caretaker of the Vineyard asked for one more year from the owner of the Vineyard, yes one more. Yes ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it. If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’” (Luke 13:8). I will dig around it, add some more fertilizers, yes, I will give more time to it, maybe more money, I will apply more strategy or better still I will pray more. Remember we need to keep taking care of the vineyard even if it does not bear fruits. When you are tired and one to give up, do not stop, ask God for one more year, ask Him for strength. I have been working with refugees for more than 12 years, sometimes I felt tired, nothing changed, God why am I doing all these things. Last year we sent about 12 refugees to Canada, yet we received 20 new more cases, we gave financial support to hundreds of refugees yet we received thousands of them. Are we going to give up? No.
            This scripture reminded us to be resilient- never give up keep working. Say to God give me one more year, keep adding those fertilizers, water, love, money, time and joy, one day you will gain your reward. Though the Bible did not tell us whether the vineyard actually bore fruits or not. I am sure it did because of the caretaker was determined, I am sure the caretaker asked not just for one year but many years.

The fruits:
            Sometime the fruits might be invisible, may be just a few fruits. Know that the way God sees fruits may not be the same as we see. We may look at the fruit in human sense, but God looks at it with spiritual reality. His ways are not ours, we may want to see changes in this world according to human standard but is reminding us that His ways are higher than human ways, His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). Listen, God’s ways are powerful. He will surely make a way for us.
            The fruit might be that single mother who can now take care of her child, it may that one raped victim who got justice, the fruit may be that 12 refugees who got a new home in Canada, the fruit may be that refugee who became a pastor preaching the gospel. The fruit may be sitting next to you or running towards you.
            Are you willing to be transformed by God`s love so that you can bless others?
            Yes, God is the one who promised His love to you. As you receive God`s love, love others, and God will draw people closer to you.
            When God transforms you with His unconditional love, people will be running to you, even people you don’t know. As He said in Isaiah 55:5 “Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you, because of the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for he has endowed you with splendor.”
            Yes, many people from different nations will be running to you. Even people you do not know will run to you. Kowloon Union Church has shown God`s unconditional love to many people, you can see how people from different nations are running toward this Church, not because she invited people to come, but because of her unconditional love.
            I am one of those people who was drawn to this church by the love I experienced here. There are a lot of memories in this place: I got married to my wife in this church, my two daughters were baptized in this church, I got my first scholarship to study at the seminary in this church, I got my first paid job in Hong Kong in this church, I got my first experience as a board member in this church when I was elected as a council member, I preached in this church when I was a refugee, I was a liturgist in this church when I was a refugee. This church truly demonstrated what it means to be “Where all are one”.
            I came here as a refugee, broken and hopeless, yet I experienced an unconditional love, I became Hong Kong resident when I was in this church, and today I can say this church taught me how to love and I can move on to love other vulnerable people. 


God is calling you: come to me all who are thirsty, come to the waters. Come to me all who burden and want to give up, come to the Lord and He will fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit. When the harvest is ready, we will be delighted in the richest things of God.  May God keep us all strong as we labor in His Vineyard taking care of the vulnerable, may we be transformed by His Love now and forever Amen. 

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Wednesday, March 27, 2019

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