
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

Choose to Wait

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 1 December 2019, the first Sunday in Advent, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 24:36-44

Opening prayer

God of life, open our hearts to receive Your Word.

Holy Spirit, grant to us wisdom to know the truth about waiting. Inspire us and prepare us to walk in the Way of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen!


Today we have started the season of Advent. It marks the beginning of the Church liturgical year. You see how the church is prepared for this special season with all the decoration for the worship space: the banners, the wreath of candles and the Christmas trees.

The word “advent” derives from Latin adventus meaning “coming” or “arrival”. Advent in Greek is parousia, meaning “coming” or “presence”. It thus entails a meaning of Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, the season of Advent serves as a dual reminder of the original waiting that was done by the Hebrews for the birth of their Messiah, as well as the waiting for the second coming of Jesus Christ by Christians. Waiting for Jesus’s coming again is to look for his Kingdom that brings to the world new vision, new hope and new peace. Advent is also a time for believers to wait for God’s promise to be fulfilled and prepare for God’s Way.

The Church Worship Advisory Group has taken: “Prepare the Way Together” as the theme of Advent this year, with four sub-titles for the four weeks of Advent.

Advent is a time of waiting for the coming of the Lord. 

This week, our focus is “choose to wait”.

Prophet Isaiah in his vision shared in the Book of Isaiah we heard this morning has given us some light.

1.                  Choose to wait is to believe God is our centre and our ultimate promise

Isaiah was living in a world where his nation Israel had been under constant threat of wars from the Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian empires. The people in Israel and Judah were living restlessly because of the political instability. Isaiah, the great prophet of the Israelite proclaimed to his people their future relied on walking in the way of their God. In times of trials and suffering, human beings tend to blame God and make complaints. Prophet Isaiah’s vision reminds us the Great God is the one above all nations and provides a safe house on top of the mountain to his beloved people.

2 Choose to wait is to have vision and be transformed.

From Isaiah 2:4, it says:

“He shall judge between the nations, and shall arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”

I just mentioned the Israelites were constantly under threat and insecurity because of the strong empires nearby. When people are living in such condition, fighting back is quite a normal reaction. But Isaiah offered a vision that was the total reverse of anticipation and imagination for the Jewish community. He was calling for peace. He told his people the coming of the Lord is to bring peace, not wars and violence. He proclaimed that in God’s new world, not only must the weapons be destroyed; they are transformed and repurposed.

In Isaiah’s vision of a new world, the Lord of peace engages his people to use the tools at hand for productive activities that can bear fruit for the benefits of the people. The setting down of the sword indicates that there is no more aggression and domination over others. People begin to use their resource to build lives. In verse 5, Isaiah further called his people to walk in the light of the Lord.

Choose to wait for the Lord involved transformation and walking in the righteous way of God: the light and peace that are to build up lives instead of destruction.

Sisters and brothers, in what way does your life need to be changed and transformed so that you may truly live a Godly life?  What is the hope you wish to realize?

In our society, in what ways does it have to be transformed so that God’s Kingdom of justice and peace can be achieved? How do we and the church need to be transformed to advance God’s Kingdom as we are waiting for the coming of Jesus and to manifest God’s presence?

3 Choose to wait is to act with love to bring hope, joy, justice and peace.

When we realize waiting for the Lord is to have the vision of God and be transformed, waiting is never passive inaction. On the contrary, waiting can be taken as active participation of here and now which induces implication for future.

As Henry Nouwen shared in his book -- Eternal Season, “Waiting is never a movement from nothing to something. It is always a movement from something to something more.”

In today’s gospel reading taken from Matthew, we are told the time for the Lord to come is not known and unpredictable. It says, “about that day and hour no one knows, neither the angels of heaven, nor the Son, only the Father”. No one knows when Jesus Christ the Lord returns except God. The coming of the Lord is a mystery.

Yes, it is. And yet Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. Whenever we follow Christ’s way by leading a life of hope and love, justice and peace. Whenever we show compassion to people who are suffering in pain. God is with us. And the Lord has come to us. Christ is present in us.

4 Choose to wait is to be alert and repent to God. Be patient and let go

The gospel today reminds us to be alert to the Lord’s coming in an unexpected time. We need to be spiritually awakened. Spiritual awakening requires us to turn inward to our heart. Advent is a season calling us to repent, return and patiently listen to God. While we choose to wait is to act, we need to wait with patience. We allow anything that is unexpected to happen in life. Choose to wait requires also to let go of our own ego and let go of our desire to control others, to control the outcome and things that are happening around us.

5 Choose to wait requires us to slow down

We are used to living in a city of Hong Kong moving so fast and people work very efficiently. Advent calls us to slow down as we are waiting. In this season of Advent, I would like to invite you to choose to slow down a bit and take more time to pray and meditate. Take time to read the scriptures, and to reflect on your life and faith.  

Pastor Maggie has been very thoughtful and creative to make a four-week devotional for the season of Advent. Each week, there is a little booklet for you to bring home. The booklet is designed based on our theme: Prepare the Way together with four sub-titles, one for each week. The first week is choose to wait. The second week is choose a better way. The third week is choose to be courageous. The fourth week is choose to trust. The devotional helps us to build up relationship with God and nurture our faith in Christ.

Finally, I would like to emphasize Choose to wait is to pray faithfully by putting God at the center of our life. This is also an important step for us to prepare in walking the Way of Christ.

When we are waiting for the Lord, remember too God is also waiting for us to return to His Way because God loves us. God loves to be connected with us. We are all God’s beloved children. God wants to be united with us as One. That’s why God humbled himself and came to the world in human flesh. In the season of Advent, let us prepare our hearts to receive God, that baby Jesus being born in the world. 


To close my sermon, I would like to invite you to open your heart for baby Jesus while I am chanting a song for you. The song is in Cantonese, with this meaning:

-          Let my heart be the manger that Jesus is born within me. Jesus, come!

I close the silent meditation with the sound of bell.

Let us pray:

Dear God, As we choose to wait for the Lord, let our hearts be the manger that Jesus is born within me. Jesus, come to us!  Amen.

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, December 01, 2019

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