
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

“Encountering The Risen Christ”

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 12 April, 2020, Easter Sunday, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24; John 20:1-18.

Opening prayer:
God of eternity, we thank you for your love given through Jesus and your Word that nourishes our soul. May the holy spirit inspire us to understand your Word and lead us to be Easter people, to live fully of the life given by you. Amen. 

I used to greet my beloved congregation on Easter Sunday by saying “Happy Easter!” Christ is risen! He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
Easter used to be a season of joy and hope. 
The Easter celebration this year, however, is extremely unusual. We cannot meet and worship together in person in church and we don’t have the pot-luck lunch after the Service as we normally do today. People in the world, HK of course included, have been adversely affected by the global pandemic in many different ways. Over 1.5 million people have contracted this virus and 85,000 have died. The numbers are still going up daily. Many people are suffering from illness, loss of loved ones, isolation, fear, lack of adequate means to protect themselves. Schools are closed and more and more people lost their jobs.   
Honestly, friends, is there any feeling of joy in you as we are celebrating Easter today? In what ways then our risen Christ instill hope in us in this extra-ordinary time of the world? 

Encountering the risen Christ
Easter Sunday marks the end of Lent. This year our church has created “Lenten Encounter” as our theme for Lent. I conclude the season of Lent by sharing a message “encountering the risen Christ” on today’s Easter Sunday. 

“Encountering the Risen Christ” – be aware of our identity as God’s children
According to the gospel account in John, Mary was the first one who went to the tomb to look for Jesus. She was very upset for Jesus’ death. I can imagine she probably did not sleep at all so she could go to the bomb so early. 

According to the account, Mary was very absorbed in her sorrow. She did not recognize the risen Jesus at all until he called her name – Mary!
Encountering the risen Christ begins with an awakening of knowing who we are. Very often we may be too absorbed by our sorrow, hardship, loss and failure in lives. We then forget we are the children of God, wonderfully created and fully loved. Jesus the Son of God who was sent to the world to live and die for us have proved this amazing love.
Dear friends, whenever we are aware of our identity as God’s children and He calls us by name, we are encountering the risen Christ and being empowered by the loving relationship with God. God created this world, He will take good care and responsibility. So let us never lose hope. Let us also help others to recognize this important identity in God, the Creator and our saviour. 

“Encountering the risen Christ” – be reconnected to God.

When Mary recognized Jesus, the risen Lord, He asked her to go and tell the disciples by saying - ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’

The charge of Jesus to Mary was to share the good news of ONENESS in God – that is we are in communion with God through Jesus Christ. God is with Jesus and God is with us, each one of us in the world. 
Jesus’ Father and His God is our Father and our God. It is a very profound faith statement to all believers and followers of Christ.

Encountering the risen Christ is to reconnect with God as ONE. Who is this God? The God of life and love that is shown in the creation and in Jesus’ forgiving and sacrificing grace. 

In Lent this year, I felt death is so close to me. In March, three Christian friends died, leaving behind their beloved wives. 
All three wives are saddened to see their beloved husbands passed away. But I see how they encountered the risen Christ not in the dead body but in the beautiful life of their husbands and the love they received from others. 

1 The first person I would like to share is Mrs Chang. In the funeral service on Friday, she shared an impressive message about thanksgiving to God and to her husband who had enriched her life.  
2 The second friend is May, her husband died and left with her two teenage children to take care of. She was worried about the death of her husband because she did not know what to do. But the support from the church financially  and spiritually has strengthened her faith and given her power to move forward. 
3 The third person is Pauline, her husband was a pastor serving faithfully in a local church. When she was grieving deeply like Mary, she shared how she experienced God’s deep and amazing love through the comfort and care of so many people from the church and even in hospital from the nurses and doctor.  

In the global pandemic crisis, yes there are many ugly human acts. But at the same time we have witnessed many kind hearted people supporting and sharing with each other especially with those who are in need. One of the beautiful and touching example is a priest in Italy who gave his respiratory machine to a young person. The priest died but a young life was saved.
It is the loving spirit and caring act that makes the people see the resurrected Christ. 

During the Pandemic Crisis, many reflections in different forms have been shared about human compassion, caring for the poor and the vulnerable. There are also increasing awareness on protecting nature and call for simple life to reduce unnecessary consumption. There are also calls for people to slow down and work less to reduce stress, to focus more on relationship instead of material life. To embrace the gift of life and love and don’t take things for granted. 

In a way, COVID-19 Pandemic is a like a tomb of darkness. And yet we meet our risen Christ there. 

Encountering the risen Christ is an awakening to reconnect our life with God, the Father, the Parent God who creates and loves the world very much. This is Jesus’ mission to restore humanity and reconnect us to the eternal life and love of God.
Therefore I would say in encountering the risen Christ, we are able to recognize these truths:
-Sorrow is not enduring, joy is
-Fear is not everlasting, peace is
-Uncertainty is not permanent, hope is
-Isolation is not forever, connection is
-Poverty is not our destiny, abundant life is
-Death is not the end, life is

The empty tomb has proved to us life has won the final victory.

With this proclamation -- Christ is risen, He is risen indeed, alleluia…, we encounter the living God in our daily lives in the midst of hardship. 

With the saving power of Christ, we can confidently proclaim, we have encountered the risen Christ and we have seen the Lord! Amen!

Closing prayer
Risen Christ,  
Awaken us to know that you live in us and we are in you.
Jesus Christ and we are in one body and we are forever connected in life and love. 
Help us not to find you in the tomb of darkness but open our eyes to see the light from the sun in the morning and the stars at night. 
Risen Christ,

Empower us to change with love and transform with joy and hope. Amen! 

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, April 12, 2020

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