A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Sunday 6 September 2020, the fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, by the Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Ezekiel 33:7-11, Psalm 119:33-40, Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:15-20.
Opening prayer
Holy God of Life,
Guide us to judge by your Law of love and justice. Grant to us courage and wisdom through Your Word. Make us your prophetic voice and reveal your glory through our words and deeds. Amen!
The National Security Law that was enacted in Hong Kong has affected different spectrums of life.
Because the Law is very vague in many ways, people who are working or involved in different areas such as mass media, education, social services, human rights and faith communities have grave concerns as they are not sure when and how they may reach the red line and be accused by the authorities of breaching the Law. Self-censorship is thus unavoidable under such potential threat and danger. Churches are no exception.
I was disturbed and worried whenever I heard about pastors who are warned by their church leaders to be careful of their preaching in the pulpit in order not to touch the red line and to avoid any trouble.
I agree that we should be smart and careful in our language and course of action when we are facing authoritarian rule. And yet we have to be cautious not to limit our own conscience and freedom to do the right thing for God's sake and for the common good of the people. The prophetic voice to challenge the wrongdoing of individuals and in the society from the people of God, and from the church is still very much needed in today's new political landscape.
In today's scripture readings, there are good reminders and insights for us as we are facing a more tough political situation, and a sinful world full of threats.
The readings this week again are so timely to strengthen our faith and nourish our heart.
In today's scripture readings: the Book of Ezekiel 33 and Matthew 18, both texts have brought up an important message of speaking up against wickedness and wrongdoings. God has no tolerance of sins. His Church and his people cannot neglect it. They should do something about it.
From the Book of Ezekiel, it is very obvious that God will punish the wicked by taking their lives. God is so serious about sins and intolerance of evildoers, He called the prophets of Israel to give warning to the wicked and ask them to turn from their evil way.
If the people of God refused to give warning to the wicked, they will be punished as well. As said in 33:8 If I say to the wicked, "O wicked ones, you shall surely die," and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from their ways, the wicked shall die in their iniquity, but their blood I will require at your hand.”
We can see, then, people of God cannot turn a blind eye to sins and wicked people. This is a very strong demand from God that requires the faithful to take full responsibility.
In Ezekiel, God addressed his people as ‘mortal'. In 33:7, it said, “So you, mortal, I have made a sentinel for the house of Israel; whenever you hear a word from my mouth, you shall give them warning from me.”
In Hebrew, mortal means Ben Adam, meaning son of Adam, children of the earth. The Son of Adam, Cain, killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. When God asked him about Abel. Cain replied “Am I the one looking after my brother?” In the story, it tells us and implies to us we have the responsibility for our brother's well-being.
Mortal also means human being. It implies we are all human and share common humanity in God's creation. As children of God and human beings, we have responsibility for each other. Therefore, we cannot turn a blind eye and deaf ear and do nothing when we see others are committing sins.
To speak up against the wicked and warn them to stop their evil acts are the demand from God not only to the prophets and to all His people of faithful.
The demand for warning against the wicked is out of justice because God is righteous. But what is equally important if not more important is that God cares for their life and the relationship with his people.
On verse 33:11, it says “the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that the wicked turn from their ways and live; turn back, turn back from your evil ways” The call from God to his people to speak up against sins and the wicked is out of love. God wanted to save and restore life and relationship with His beloved people.
In Matthew, the speaking up and warning of persons who have done wrong is referring to church settings. But warning or prophetic voice should include the wider community and even at the national level. In the Book of Ezekiel, we are very clear that God has demanded His people to warn their own country. As the Lord said, “Turn back from your evil ways, for why will you die, O house of Israel?”
God cares for individuals. God cares for the people of the whole nation. God cares for the people of the whole world. By calling the wicked to return to God, they will be saved and do God's command: to love God and to love neighbours.
Therefore, I would say Christians and Church, as faithful people of God and witness to Christ, they have a strong spiritual and social responsibility to build a just and loving civil society.
Therefore, when Christians are questioning church and pastors who share messages that are critical against government and authorities who have been doing wrong and against the interest of their people, please be aware of this aspect of prophetic teaching from the book of Ezekiel. We are called by God to be prophetic to speak the truth and warn the wicked to return to God, for Life and for Love.
O Mortal, speak up!
It's never been easy to speak up and be prophetic. The cost has been always high. The cost is getting higher and higher in our current political situation. We have witnessed those who spoke up for truth and justice have been arrested or put in jail. Some lost their jobs. Some have even left Hong Kong for personal safety.
Our society is getting more and more divided. It is the results of sins and wrongdoing of the wicked. As Christians, we need to be very alert of the wicked people and their sinful acts that confuse people by telling lies and divide people by spreading distorted facts. We need to have a clean heart and quiet soul. We need to remember the teaching from Psalm 119 today. We keep the Law of God and observe it with our whole heart. For the Law of God, His greatest commandment is Love: to love God and to love our neighbours as ourselves. The Epistle of Romans we have heard today highlighted to us about love - 13:10 “Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore, love is the fulfilling of the law.”
In the past year up to now, there were times I was very angry and distressed. There were times I felt hopeless and helpless. What saved me from this time of trial? It is the Word of God, the Spirit of Love and Life, and the incarnated Christ who lived, died and rose that help to revive my soul and confidence.
God reveals to me through our congregation in KUC. Whenever I see members from our Church that are persistent and insist in seeking justice and serving whole-heartedly for the vulnerable, my strength and hope is back.
God reveals to me his presence in the persistence and kindness of many people in Hong Kong working in different areas. They don't give up Hong Kong. Many of them continue to refuse to compromise and stand for justice by doing different things no matter how small it seems to be.
For Christians, to speak up against the wicked indeed requires more and more courage in these days. To speak up against the wicked indeed will take greater cost. The wicked are powerful and merciless. So we have to prepare to take the cross which is much heavier than before.
The authorities who have no mercy to their people but only focus on their own interest and power, will continue to instill fear and try to silence their people. But for the faithful of God and followers of Christ, we will stand together to overcome fear. Let us uphold what the Psalmist has asked to God, “Confirm to your servant your promise, which is for those who fear you.” (Psalm 119:38)
We as God's people, we fear only God but not the earthly authorities.
Sisters and brothers, do remember the promise of Jesus who said in the Gospel of Matthew today, here I quote: “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”18:18) Our incarnated God Jesus Christ has given to the faithful the heavenly power and authorities to do his work on earth.
Jesus had assured his disciples by saying, “Again, truly I tell you, if two of you agree on earth about anything you ask, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.” (18:19) When we are united as one in the name of God, even the number as small as two, we can still do the work of God and make a difference to the world. It is because we are not alone. Our God in heaven is with us and makes things happen.
With deep faith and hope, as God's sons and daughters, as Christ’s faithful disciples, let us speak up and be love. Amen!