A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on Second Sunday of Easter 24 April 2022, by Rev. Judy Chan. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 118:14-29, John 20:19-31.
Good morning!
The Second Sunday of Easter is sometimes called “Low Sunday”.
It may have come from the practice of
the early church. Those newly baptized on Easter Day wore bright white robes
for 8 days to signify their new life in Christ. Then on Low Sunday, they took
them off and became ordinary Christians like the rest of us.
But it’s anything but low at KUC since we are finally back to
worshipping in person. And it’s still the season of Easter, so let’s say
Today’s Gospel reading is from the twentieth chapter of John.
New Testament scholar N.T. Wright considers John 20 one of the most magnificent
passages in Scripture. To the point, when he was a bishop, he would ask those
interviewing for church jobs, what’s your favorite Bible passage? But he told
them, you can’t choose John 20 or Romans 8. That’s too easy. If you can’t quite
remember what Romans 8 is about, you can look it up later (but preferably after
my sermon).
After last week’s story about the Resurrection, we continue with
more surprise appearances by the Risen Lord, the first to the 12 in the Upper
Room, minus Judas and Thomas. Then a week later, another appearance when Thomas
is there. So, let’s go to the Upper Room to see just what makes this passage so
The disciples are hiding out behind locked doors. They’re utterly
devastated over what’s happened to their leader. Will the authorities come
after them too? Then, all of a sudden, that late lamented leader appears right in
front of them, alive not dead, somehow bypassing the doorbell and the door
itself. They’re astonished. Terrified. It must be a ghost! But instead of
yelling “Boo”, what does Jesus say? Exactly what they need to hear: “Peace be
with you” – the traditional Hebrew greeting ‘Shalom Aleichem’ but in a totally
new context.
Remember what Jesus had promised in the Upper Room in John 14
before his Crucifixion? “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do
not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do
not let them be afraid.” Peace be with you.
So once the disciples get over their fear, Jesus shows them exactly
what they need to see: his nail-scarred hands and pierced side. What better proof
that he’s the same Jesus they had loved and followed for three years? The same
Jesus who was crucified, dead and buried. Now risen from the grave, among them,
never to die again.
Of course, they believe and are overjoyed. And if that wasn’t enough to take in on one
visit, John says Jesus not only gives them God’s peace. He appoints them as his
ambassadors, empowers them with the Holy Spirit, and gives them authority to
forgive sins. What more could you ask for? This was a day they would never
Then he’s gone. And in comes Thomas. The disciples are
bursting with the incredible news: We’ve just seen the Lord, or put another
way, you’ve just missed seeing the Lord!
Now put yourself in Thomas’s shoes. If someone told me they
had seen a person I knew to be dead and buried, I’d have my doubts too. Even if
my deepest desire was that it be true, I know that just doesn’t happen in this
world, sorry.
I remember when I was growing up, my younger sister once
asked me about a baby brother who had died in infancy. She never knew him. His
name was Joseph, he would have been 2 years younger than me and 7 years older
than her. We were in bed late one night, and my sister who was very little
then, said, “Judy, if Joseph ever comes back when I’m asleep, be sure to wake
me up.” I was so touched, I didn’t have the heart to tell her it would never
happen, at least on this side of eternity.
And that’s just where Thomas knew he was too, on this side of
eternity. We might think, in the ancient unscientific world, maybe people
believed these things could happen. There were occasional claims of
resuscitated corpses in Greco-Roman culture and even Judaism itself. But resurrection
of the dead in Jewish teaching happened to the righteous at the end of time. So,
for sure, there was no expectation that the Messiah would be crucified as a
criminal and then come back to this life.
So, Thomas’s doubt about their story is not so hard to understand,
is it? History tends to judge him
harshly for demanding concrete evidence.
But Episcopal preacher Barbara Brown Taylor gave me another insight
about Thomas. In a sermon she preached on John 20, she said, remember,
He wasn’t there in the house with the others that night,
wasn’t there when Jesus came and stood among them, wasn’t there when he gave
them his peace, showed them his wounds, gave them power over sin, and bid them
receive the Holy Spirit—basically everything he had to bring his little church
back to life.[1]
So, we call him ‘Doubting Thomas’. But, in reality, he was
only asking for what the other disciples got without having to ask.
It might seem then Thomas was the most unlucky guy in the
room at that moment. If the Resurrection were true, he had just missed a chance
of a lifetime. If it weren’t true, he was stuck hiding out with 10 crazy
friends in a locked room. Either way, things didn’t look good.
But lo and behold, what happens one week later? Jesus comes
back – back to the same room, to the same disciples plus one, bringing the same
greeting of peace. And this time, it’s even better especially for Thomas. Not
just because he’s there. But because this time Jesus came expressly to see him.
This time Thomas responds, not just with joy and belief like the others, but with
the greatest Christological confession in the New Testament: “My Lord and my
God.” My Lord
and my God. This is stunning confirmation of what was written in the Prologue, John
1:18: “No one has ever seen God; it is God the only Son, ever at the Father's
side, who has revealed Him.” My Lord and my God. Who would have thought
this would come from the lips of Thomas, ‘the spokesman of apostolic doubt’? [2] Magnificent, indeed.
Yet, as I reflected on this profound event, I had to ask, “Then
what about us?” How does Easter become real to you and me today? If Thomas
needed to see it with his own eyes, how can we be expected to believe the
Resurrection 2000 years on? Are we not at a distinct disadvantage?
It may seem so. Until we realize that seeing and hearing and
touching the Risen Lord was only the first way the disciples knew the
Resurrection was true. The first way but not the only way. We can still personally
experience the Resurrection here and now. And how that does happen? When we
allow Jesus to give us his peace. When we allow Jesus to show us his
wounds in the world. When we allow Jesus to give us power over sin and open
our lives to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. In other words, the
Easter Story becomes real to you and me when we let Jesus give us
everything he has – to bring our little church, our fragile selves, and this big
planet back to life. What more could we ask for? And all we have to do, like
Thomas, is say Yes. My Lord and my God.
So far from being at a disadvantage compared to the first
disciples, we are blessed, maybe even more so than those who were eyewitnesses.
Why? Because John 20 not only tells their story, it tells our story. Actually,
we’re in that Upper Room too in a way. For what did Jesus say to Thomas? “Have
you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and
yet have come to believe.” Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have
come to believe. That’s a beatitude in case you didn’t notice. And we’re
included in that blessing along with everyone else who has come to faith in
Christ since that first Easter 2000 years ago. Isn’t that magnificent? So, if
you want to make John 20 your new favorite Scripture, it’s OK with me.
Nonetheless… I’m guessing there
are some sitting here today, if they were honest, still have doubts. That’s OK.
Because, did you know there are times when even the most faithful, if they were
honest, have doubts too? That’s right. Especially when we’re facing unimaginably
painful and difficult situations, our own cross to bear in this life. And we
wonder, where are you God? So, let me leave you with a story for all of us.
One night a house caught fire and
a young boy was forced to flee to the roof. The father stood on the ground
below with outstretched arms, calling to his child, "Jump! I'll catch
you." He knew the boy had to jump to save his life. All the boy could see,
though, was flame, smoke, and darkness. As you can imagine, he was afraid to
leave the roof. His father kept yelling: "Jump! I will catch you."
But the boy protested, "Daddy, I can't see you." The father shouted
back, "But I can see you and that's all that matters now."
God can see you and me and that’s all that
matters now. Amen. Hallelujah!
[1] Barbara Brown Taylor, “Take a Breath”, 23 April 2017, https://chapel.duke.edu/sites/default/files/04.23.17%20Barbara%20Brown%20Taylor%20Sermon%20-%20Take%20a%20Breath.pdf
[2] Raymond Brown, The Gospel According to John, XIII - XXI, p.
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Archived sermons by the Barksdales