
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on 27 November 2022, by Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Isaiah 2:1-5, Matthew 24:36-44.

Longing for the Light  

Dear God, 


Thank you for coming to the world in human flesh, sharing with us your life and love. May your Living Word inspire us and transform us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!




Today is the 1st Sunday of Advent. We are here to celebrate the new liturgical year of the church.


It has been KUC’s tradition to clean and decorate the church to prepare for the season of Advent.


You have seen a refreshed church with banners hung on the walls, Advent wreath on the communion table, lights and photos of KUC members old and new on the Christmas tree, a real tree that you may smell the freshness of the plant. 


The lights hung on the panel and around the Christmas trees are very beautiful. Last night Pastor Maggie shared a beautiful photo of the sanctuary with the twinkling lights. I took one photo also and now I shared with you.     


The KUC Worship Advisory Group has taken “Longing for the Light” as the theme for Advent this year. The image of light in the sanctuary aligns with the theme. 


The world we are living today is full of darkness. The ongoing wars in Ukraine and the political unrest in Iran that has lasted for two months, the never-ending unjust persecutions and oppressions in many parts of the world, many people suffering from illness and loneliness, the Covid pandemic has made many lives difficult. Many people and the mother earth have been suffering in pain. We need the Light that shines to bring hope, peace and love. 


Jesus, the incarnated God came to the world and he said, “I am the Light of the world”. As Jesus’ disciples, we are called to follow the way of Christ – to be the light like him. 


The theme is timely to help Jesus’ followers to reflect on our life and faith in a deeper spiritual way, as we are preparing for Christmas and a new church year.


The word “advent” derives from the Latin word adventus meaning “coming” or “arrival”. As the Latin translation of the Greek word parousia, it is a reference to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus has come for the first time and that’s why we have Christmas for celebration.


But have you ever thought about these questions?


Why did God come in the form of human flesh, mortal and vulnerable as a baby?


Why did God come to suffer and die?


How can a vulnerable and suffering God save us and the world?


Advent is a special season for Christians to slow down and reflect on the real meaning of Christmas – the birth of Jesus, the son of God who came to the world to love and save. Another reflection is on the second coming of Jesus Christ. The saviour is not just the God in the past. The eternal God who is living beyond time and space is still speaking to us now.


In today’s first Sunday of Advent, God speaks to us through the Word from the scriptures.


The words of the ancient prophet taken from the Book of Isaiah reminded the Israelites to walk in God’s way, to walk in the light, to choose peace instead of war in the midst military attack by other nations surrounding them. 


Can we do that in our time? Can we keep longing for God, for Christ, the Light who is the Prince of Peace? Jesus Christ did not use violence to fight back when he was attacked and even tortured. Jesus is a real peacemaker. Can we follow what Jesus did? 


Advent is a time of waiting. Waiting for the coming of Christ who will bring a new heaven and new earth.


That is why in the season of Advent, we light the candles of hope, peace, joy and love. These are the promise and qualities that Jesus Christ has brought and will continue to bring to us and the world.


In the gospel reading taken from Matthew, the image of the Lord’s coming is a bit disturbing as He comes all of a sudden. Someone close to you would be disappeared suddenly. Followers are told that no one know when the Lord will come. The challenge for disciples to prepare for the coming of the Lord is to stay alert. We cannot take life casually and lightly. As followers of Christ, we need to well prepare and to live a life close to God, and walk in Christ’s way.


The parable of the thieves reminds us too we need to be alert of anything in life that may take away our heart from God. The manifestation of the thief could be different to different people. For some people, the thief comes in a form of illness and physical pain, they complain to God why is it me who suffers? Some could be facing a thief like unjust suffering due to poverty and persecution that beat down disciples’ trust in God, they asked where is justice in the world? Some other thieves could be money, power, social status and success that grow ego in people’s heart and they see God no more. 


The gospel reading today remind us to be prepared for all kinds of uncertainty in life and stay alert to the temptation and attacks that may come to our home and our heart like a thief.


Let me give you a bit more of the gospel background. In early church, Christians experienced disappointment and loss of faith when their expectation to the Lord’s second coming had not been fulfilled in a time of very difficult life situation – the temple was destroyed, they were persecuted under the rule of the Roman Empire, their lives were shattered and torn. The author had to write something to encourage the community at the time. 


Therefore it is not wise and even dangerous if we do nothing but just passively waiting in a time of darkness. We need to be alert!

In the season of Advent as we wait, I invite you to take the advice from Prophet Isaiah who had reminded his people to go to the mountain and to receive the teaching and the word of God. I encourage sisters and brothers to spend more time to pray and be with God and stay close to Christ.  An online Advent devotional booklet was recommended to you for daily devotional here in church. Some hard copies were printed for those who do not have access to internet or prefer hard copy. 


The candle of hope is lit in today’s first Sunday Advent Service.


In the Advent litany, the first voice said: We are people of hope!


May we start our journey of Advent by proclaiming aloud:


Jesus Christ, the Light of the world. We are longing for you, the Light! Brighten us and make us the people of hope, of peace, of joy and of love! Amen!


# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, November 27, 2022

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