A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on 15 January 2023, by Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 40:1-11, John 1:29-42.
“Come and See”
We have entered into the season of Epiphany. The liturgical color of Epiphany is green. You see the pulpit falls have been changed.
Epiphany comes from the Greek word ‘epiphaneia’ or ‘theophaneia’, meaning ‘appearance’ or ‘manifestation’. Epiphany reveals the divine presence of God through human flesh in Jesus Christ.
In the season of Epiphany, we are reminded and prompted to learn once again the life of Jesus and his ministry on earth. Jesus was called by God the Father, to engage himself to transform the world and to bring to humanity new life of love, hope and peace.
The gospel story we heard this morning mentioned about two disciples of John the Baptist who followed Jesus after John exclaimed “Look, here is the Lamb of God!” When these two disciples followed Jesus, Jesus turned and saw them following, he said to them, “What are you looking for?”
They said to Jesus, “Where are you staying?” Then Jesus said to them, “Come and see”. The two disciples stayed with Jesus for a whole day and then one of the disciples whose name was Andrew went to find his brother Simon Peter and told him Jesus was the Messiah and he took him to see Jesus.
I found the gospel account is very interesting. Jesus’s invitation to the two disciples “Come and see” has caught my attention. This becomes the theme of my sermon today.
When Jesus asked the two disciples, what are you looking for? Interesting they answered with a question, where are you staying? I would imagine if you wished to know someone better and deeper, to go where they live and find out how they live their life is an effective way.
Without any hesitation, Jesus extended his invitation to them for a home visit – he said to them: Come and see.
From the scripture, it does not say anything on what they have done within that day. But apparently the interaction and togetherness with Jesus made Andrew convicted that Jesus was the Messiah. A big discovery and affirmation.
When Jesus extended his invitation – Come and see, and bring the two followers to his home, it revealed our God is a personal God. He is happy to build up close and personal relationship with his people. God is more than happy to open up himself to let us know him more.
When there are times, we feel God is very far away. Remember that Jesus Christ, the incarnate God is always there to welcome us – Come and see!
Once we are willing to accept Jesus’ invitation and walk to his home, we are able to meet with Christ, the Saviour who has come to the world to bring us comfort and healing love.
After Andrew’s encounter with Jesus in his “come and see” journey, he found the Messiah. This leads me to think what had Jesus said and done within that short period of time that had made such impact to his life?
As Jesus’s disciples and we have formed a community called church, what should we say and do, and in what way we live our life so people who are interacting with us, when they come and see us in our own home and in our church, they will see God in us, they will find love, hope, joy and peace as what our Saviour Jesus has revealed?
The “come and see” journey to Jesus reminded us that personal encounter with Jesus is very important. We need to build up personal and close relationship with Jesus. We need to spend time with God on a regular basis by having spiritual disciplines on prayers, reading the bible and spiritual books, and serving others who are in need. So our life will be gradually transformed and changed to become more and more like Christ.
Today is the birthday of a great civil rights Christian leader --- Martin Luther King. Revd King had dedicated his life to end racial segregation and racial discrimination. He had a strong passion to create a world of love and peace where people embrace one another with respect. He had a dream in which no men and women should be discriminated against nor excluded because of their race.
Revd King had paid a great cost for his service to God on earth. He was assassinated on the 4th April 1968. King’s life had revealed to the world the God he believed in and Jesus Christ the Savior who has come to bring justice and peace. Revd King was not only a believer, he was truly Jesus’ disciple who had revealed the divine presence of God. He had also lived out the true meaning of Epiphany.
After sharing about Andrew’s encounter with Jesus in his “come and see” journey, I would like to continue the story by highlighting the encounter between Jesus and his brother Simon Peter.
When Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon, son of John. You are to be called Cephas” which is translated Peter. What inspires me from this conversation is this: Jesus Christ has come and seen us before we come to see him.
Jesus Christ sees us, knows us. The way He sees us is not according to how we think of ourselves now or how others look at us. God looks deep at our hearts and knows who we really are in his creation and in his kingdom. Simon was given a new name by Jesus – Peter (meaning the rock). Peter was called by God to serve him, the Church.
In the world, what is the most powerful means to change a person’s life? I would say it is the power of love from God. This love is manifested by God’s full understanding and embrace to each one of us as his beloved children. God called us by name that we are able to change and live a new life.
I would like to share a little story about a boy called Jack. His mother died when he was 3 years old. He was not a boy welcomed by others because he did all kinds of nasty things that make people very angry and frustrated. Even his father was very negative towards him. When he was seven years old, his father met another woman called Joanne whom he wanted to marry. When Joanne met Jack, she came and saw him, she said to him, “You have such great potentials and talents that many people cannot see. I am sure you will do well and have great achievement”. Jack was deeply moved by her kind words because he had not been embraced and recognized after his mother died. Since then, Jack started to read and study hard. He became a more loving and mature person as he grew up.
Joanne had done something significant to Jack the little boy, like Jesus has done to his disciples and to the world. Jesus, the Lamb of God, came to take away the sins of the world, and to give people freedom and dignity. God also recognize our potentials. God knows us and embraces our very being. God calls us according to God’s will and not according to our ability and what we are now.
Today, Jesus has called us to come and see his place, and to follow his way. Jesus has extended his invitation to us to stay close with him and spend time with him. Today through Simon Peter, Jesus has given us new name and new responsibilities to serve him.
Jesus has revealed God’s divine love to us through our family, our friends, our community, our nature, and some other ways without reserve.
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
In the new year of 2023, shall we join our hands and heart to walk the “come and see” journey and to live a life that reveals God’s divine presence together with Christ?
Let us now spend a moment to come and see God together in silence.
I will finish the silence by the sound of the singing bowl…
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