
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on 05 February 2023, by Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 112:1-9, 1 Corinthians 2:1-12.

I once heard a very reputable pastor serving in a church with over 1000 congregants said he will not develop elderly ministry and take elderly as his major target to serve. Young people are the main focus in his ministry.


The reason behind for this pastor is that old people who have retired cannot make good offering to the church. But young people are different. They are full of potentials with their knowledge and skills as they grow. They will also make good financial contribution to the church.


This pastor is very smart to make strategic plans for church growth and recruit hundreds and thousands of young people joining his church. He did a good job with human knowledge and wisdom. He was indeed successful from human eyes and worldly standard.


But how about God? What would Jesus Christ think about such approach in ministering to a Christian community that is called church? 


In a world that we are living in now is very pragmatic and calculative. People learn to do thing cost effectively – use less resources or efforts but to gain more. In general, people treasure human knowledge and skills, good planning with strategies to make things work and successful. 


They are all good and yet Apostle Paul, the early church leader, reminds us today we need to focus on the Holy Spirit and strive to serve by the power of God and not by human wisdom that will perish at the end of the day.  


I believe that Paul did not deny human efforts. Neither do I. What he emphasized was to center our lives and our being in God through the Holy Spirit. 


Believers of Christ should not bow before human knowledge and people with powerful position and wealth. 


Apostle Paul teaches us and reminds us as Christians and faithful followers of Christ, our faith and our actions should not rest on human wisdom that would perish but on the power of God.


In the message of Paul to the church of Corinth, he said with a very humble heart – “I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I came to you in weakness and fear and in much trembling.”


Paul has received proper education as a Jew and was very well educated with good knowledge of the scriptures. But he has decided he did not claim all this human knowledge. Bearing in mind that Paul was facing a divisive church in Corinth in his time. He did receive criticism and attacks from some Christians and leaders. Instead of arguing back with his knowledge and position, he chose to speak in a humble way and was not afraid to express his views by exposing his weakness and vulnerability.  


He said: “I decided to know nothing except Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (v2).


To apply and echo the pledge of Paul above to our church mission, I would emphasize KUC needs to continue her mission to serve the poor, the minorities, the marginalized and the vulnerable.


With the increasing control and suppression from authoritarian governments in different countries nowadays, to demonstrate solidarity with the vulnerable and marginalized as well organizations/churches that are not supported but targeted by the government have become more and more difficult.  


There are more risks to take in doing it. There is higher cost to bear in doing it. There are more unpleasant sacrifices to give in doing it.


This is the challenge that we are facing today in our society and in our world. 


What is our choice? Are we be led by human knowledge and wisdom to protect our own interests or are we be led by the Holy Spirit and the power of God by deciding to know nothing except Jesus Christ, and him crucified? 


My dear friends who claim to be Christian and following Christ, are you willing to do the same as Apostle and the same as Jesus who died on the Cross – to know the God who is humble and obedient; to overcome fear to take risks for serving our neighbor in need; to make self-sacrifice for the sake of love and justice? 


Honestly they are very harsh questions to answer. They all require our mature personality and spirit in pursuing God’s will and God’s Kin-dom. Let us grow and walk together in this journey with humility as a community of Christ.  


Today I chose 1 Cor 2 from the revised lectionary reading. It is because I was struck by verse 9, here I read:  


“What no eyes has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him - these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.”


My teacher of the homiletics course after all lectures finished, he met with all students in the class individually and prayed for each one of us. In his prayer, he recited this verse taken from 1 Cor 2:9: What no eyes has been seen, nor ear heard, nor the human hearts conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.” (He read it in Chinese and it touched my heart.) 


God led me to KUC to serve and being ordained. This was a mysteries arrangement to me that I have never expected.


Time flies, I have been working and giving my service to KUC for over 15 years. I can’t imagine I stay in a same workplace for such a long time. It breaks my record. 


There have been good times and bad times in all these years.  But in the past 2 to 3 years, both my work life and the society of HK that I love so much have encountered tremendous difficulties and challenges. I have gone through different stages with various emotions: sadness, anger, disappointment, frustration, self-doubt, anxiety and fear… you name it. 


After going through all the ups and downs, in my desperate seeking for God’s guidance and help through my contemplative prayers, the Holy Spirit leads me to realize and affirm what Apostle Paul ‘s proclamation: 


“I did not come proclaiming the mystery of God to you in lofty words or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified. And I came to you in weakness, and I fear and in much trembling.”


“I decided to know nothing except Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (v2).


The crucified Christ reveals who God is and the wisdom of God: 


Jesus Christ the incarnate, reveals a suffering God, a humble God, a forgiving God, an obedient God who have made himself low and broken for the sake of love and mercy. 


This quality of love, this radical love is beyond human understanding. This sacrificing love can only be revealed in the Divine from above. 


We as human beings and followers of Christ must have to connect to the Holy Spirit that lives within us in order to manifest that divine love. 


I am thankful to God. God has guided me to experience his deep love of forgiveness and mercy through the life trial that I have gone through. God’s amazing grace leads me to keep my faith and courage to love and serve with my life and gifts. 


May the Word of God that empowers me empower you as well. May God bless you all!


At the end of my sermon, I invite you to pray to God in silence. To invite God to speak and listen to you through your stillness. I will close the silence by reading the scripture below.



 “What no eyes has seen, nor ear heard, nor the human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.”  Amen! (1 Cor 2:9) 

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, February 05, 2023

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