
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on 14 January 2024, by Paul Cooper. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 119: 97-108 and Luke 4: 16-30. 

Whenever I read this story, I have sympathy for the townspeople of Nazareth! After all, what would you think if a well-known member of this congregation read a prophetic passage of Scripture and said “This is all about me!”? And that’s what Jesus did. 

We know little or nothing about Jesus’ life from his earliest childhood up until the start of his ministry. For various reasons, we think Jesus was about thirty when His ministry started, but even that isn’t certain. We know from stories like the wedding at Cana and references like this one that he was a well-known figure in his community; presumably he was active in Joseph’s business – probably involved with the building work at the nearby city of Tiberias, newly founded by the ruler Herod Antipas. Jesus was obviously a well-established and respected member of the synagogue; he wouldn’t have been asked to read the Scripture and teach on it otherwise. Incidentally, I am told that unlike our modern ways, it was usual for the preacher in a synagogue to sit down while others remained standing! And at age 30, Jesus would be a well-established member of his community. A man of that age would be expected to be the head of his own household, with children about to enter adult life. We conventionally assume Jesus was a bachelor, but we simply don’t know. He could have been a widower like me, and there are those who suggest that Mary Magdalene was His wife. But the bottom line is that we don’t know, and we don’t need to know! After all, we only know that Jesus’ disciple Peter was married because Jesus healed his mother-in-law; and as all the disciples except, perhaps, John, were mature men, it would be more surprising if they weren’t married.

Don’t worry – I’m not about to go off into wild theories about Jesus’ potential descendants, mystical relics and the Knights Templar! But my point is that up till the event of this passage, Jesus was a well-known, well-respected member of the community at Nazareth. He was like many of us – someone rooted in a particular community, with both family and business ties within it. In a similar passage in Matthew’s Gospel, the crowd emphasize how much a part of the fabric of society he was: ‘“Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother’s name Mary, and aren’t his brothers James, Joseph, Simon and Judas? Aren’t all his sisters with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” And they took offense at him.’ 

But Jesus simply says “Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” And the scripture is one that foretells the coming of the Messiah, the one who is to save the Children of Israel. So, Jesus is telling the community He grew up in, the community he was established in, that He is the expected one, the one who is come to restore Israel! What would you say if a well-respected member of your community stood up and said, “I am the Messiah!”? I think that you’d all assume that he or she had had a mental breakdown and would try and get treatment at a mental hospital! Well, attitudes to mental illness were different in Jesus’ day, but trying to rid the community of the influence of a blasphemer by pushing Him over a cliff was fairly usual; it was part of the prescribed procedure for stoning someone to death, the punishment for blasphemy. 

We have the benefit of 2000 years hindsight, and know that Jesus’ claim was true – he WAS the Messiah! But can you blame the people of Nazareth for not believing Him?

But the reason they didn’t believe is that they couldn’t see the pattern that God was weaving. I’m doing a lot of cross-stitch – some people call it needlepoint -  at the moment, to make New Year gifts for my family, and a panel for the KUC centenary banner. And while I was working on one large piece (which I haven’t finished yet – I’ve laid it aside while I do smaller pieces) I realized that if I didn’t have the pattern in front of me, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea what the picture was going to be! Here’s a photo of the work in progress. Can anyone guess what it’s going to be? I’ll give a clue – it was inspired by the Chinese New Year! Here’s a photo a bit further along. And here’s a photo of what the final result ought to look like, if my skill is sufficient!

The point I’m making is that we can’t see the whole pattern of God’s creation. We can only see our own little bit of it, and we can only see it as it is right now. Maybe we can see how the pattern has changed over the years, but we can’t see how it will change as time goes on. And God’s pattern is more complex than we can imagine! My cross stitch is only 2 dimensional, and it’s impossible to guess what the final result will be like from a small part of it. How much harder is it to imagine what the pattern of the Creation will be, in at least 4 dimensions of time and space! And the theoretical physicists and cosmologists insist that there might be even more dimensions than the ones we know, but that they are beyond our perception. 

Looking back at my cross stitch, in this photo we can see that there are isolated patches of colour. Each colour is separate and isolated at this stage. If we were a single stitch in that pattern, it might be very comforting to be surrounded by other stitches just like me! And if a stitch of another colour intruded it would be out of place and isolated. Some colours don’t stand out – there are places where I made white stitches on a white background! Some people might wonder why I needed to do those stitches. But as the work progresses, patches of colour get linked by other colours, and the patches of white stand out against darker colours.

Well, I’m sure you can all make analogies with your own situation! Like Jesus did, we belong to particular communities, just as my stitches belong to patches of the same colour. We blend in with our surroundings, and a stitch of the wrong colour stands out! I’m pretty certain I’m the only Westerner in the apartment block where I’m staying, and so I stand out there. But sometimes single contrasting stitches are needed to complete the pattern. In Nazareth, Jesus was rejected because He didn’t fit the pattern that the people of Nazareth thought they knew. They thought Jesus was blaspheming, and tried to punish him in the manner prescribed by the Law of the Old Testament; throwing someone off a high place was a precursor to stoning a blasphemer to death. They were caught up in the pattern they thought they could see – but it wasn’t God’s pattern, so Jesus walked free. But they were faithful to the Law they knew, as our reading from Psalm 119 says they should be.

Now, as I’m human, when I’m doing cross-stitch, I make mistakes! I count the number of stitches wrong, or maybe I cross two threads where I should only cross one. But God’s pattern is perfect. Evil and sin distort it, but ultimately all such “mistakes” in the pattern will be integrated into the whole. Jesus’ coming is part of that – something important went in the wrong direction, and Jesus is God’s answer to change and correct the pattern.

We cannot see God’s pattern; it is beyond our capabilities on earth. And often the pattern isn’t what we think it might be! In 2005, I thought the pattern of my life was fairly clear – work at the same safe, secure and satisfying job until I was old enough to retire, and then spend my retirement years in the village where I lived with my wife and children. I was well-established in that community – I was a Lay Minister there for 21 years – and had a nice house and many friends. But in 2006, my wife was diagnosed with cancer at an advanced stage, and despite all the efforts of the medical profession, she died in 2007. Then, through the wonders of modern communication, I met Calli, and many of you know that story! And my safe secure job became less so, and I became less satisfied by it, so in 2011 I took early retirement. And the final thing that I could not foresee was Calli’s death in 2021. In 2005 I thought I could see the pattern ahead of me; in 2011 I thought I could see the pattern ahead of me – but still in 2024 I don’t know what the pattern of the rest of my life will be. But I know that God has a plan for me; and that it is perfect, just as His plan for Jesus was perfect. The people of Nazareth could not kill Jesus because the pattern that God had for Him was not complete. In the book of Ecclesiastes, the sage says “For every thing there is a season” – and some of you may know the popular 1960s song by the Byrds and Judy Collins based on that passage. God’s pattern allows for “every purpose under heaven”, as Ecclesiastes puts it.

What of us? Well, most of us will have a life that follows a simple pattern – childhood, youth, marriage, parenthood, career, retirement and old age. To use my analogy of cross-stitch, we are a single stitch amongst many in the pattern being woven. We are essential to that pattern, and must value ourselves accordingly, taking pride in the pattern we are part of, and knowing that without us, the pattern would not be complete. For some of us, the pattern is less clear, and we have to trust that God has a purpose for us. I’ve had to learn the hard way that God does indeed have a purpose for each and every one of us – but that purpose isn’t always what we think it is. If you’d told me in 2005 that in 2024 I’d be preaching before the congregation of a church in Hong Kong, and have been widowed twice, I’d probably have laughed at you in disbelief. But that’s what has happened!

But no matter what the pattern of our individual lives, each of us has an important part to play in the pattern that God is weaving. We need to use the gifts that God has given us, so that we can fully play our part in the great pattern of God’s Creation. And every one of us is important; every one of us is an essential part of the great pattern that God is weaving, just as every single stitch in my cross-stitch work is essential to the whole, even if it’s just like the stitches around it. But we are human and far more complex than the stitches in my work – every one of us is different, and every one of us contributes something precious and unique to the pattern that God is weaving. Never think “I’m not important; I’m just a cog in the machine.” Think “I am part of God’s pattern; without me the pattern is incomplete, and I must strive to be the best I can be to participate fully in the unimaginable greatness of God’s creation!” As Paul put it, “For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” One day we will all see the pattern in full, and know our own part in it.

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, January 14, 2024

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