
Meditations, Reflections, Bible Studies, and Sermons from Kowloon Union Church  

A sermon preached at Kowloon Union Church on 04 April 2024, by Rev. Phyllis Wong. The scripture readings that day were Psalm 133, and Acts 4: 32-35.

“Resurrected Life”

Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!

Christ is risen is the proclamation in Easter as we celebrate Jesus’s rise from death.

How do we know Christ is risen?

How do we as Christian live a life of resurrection, as Easter people on earth?


In today’s revised lectionary readings taken from Psalm 133 and the book of Acts 4:32-35, they have given us great guidelines and inspiration. 


Psalm 133 – 1 How very good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity!

Psalm 133 is talking about unity in a family. But this family is not just referring to the family of biological relationship.

To make reference of other version of the bible -New International Version (NIV), I quote: 

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!”


Jesus has in fact brought a very radical perspective on family. In Mark 3:34-35, when his mother and siblings went to see him during his very busy day to heal the sick and cast out demons, Jesus said “Whoever does the will of God is my brothers, sisters and mother.” Jesus regarded family beyond biological relationship. That is the reason church community sharing the same faith following the footstep of Jesus Christ is considered as family and we call each other sisters and brothers in Christ.


KUC has been regarded as a spiritual home, ‘a home away from home’ by many sisters & brothers who came to HK from overseas. I have heard touching testimony on how they see God and feel the love of God in the fellowship. They feel warmth as they are welcome. They feel happy as they are given opportunity to serve and offer talents that they are proud of.  


Resurrected life is revealed in a church community when members, Christ’s followers are taking each other as family members in God, and living in unity. The quality of unity is to treat each other with respect and appreciate each other’s talents and gifts. While everyone is given opportunity to serve without discrimination, everyone is willing to give with joy according to what he or she has. When we are able to generously share our talents and make our contribution, the community will be greatly enriched. It is exactly what the Psalm 133 inspires and promises us. When God’s people are living in harmony, in unity through loving and caring of each other, welcoming and appreciating each other, willingly giving and receiving, the individuals and the community will prosper.  


In our community, there are people of different backgrounds. A sister who was working as a domestic worker used to work as a professional in her home country. She came to HK to work because she needed to earn more to pay for the medical expenses for her father. She found her life in HK difficult and miserable. She had to repeatedly doing the same thing every day which were not her interest at all. She had a deep sense of loss in the first few months when she was in HK. Through internet she found our church and joined us. She shared that the welcoming spirit of the church community gave her energy and found hope in God. She actively engaged in the worship, the choir and church activities. The church has helped her to keep her spiritual life and peace at heart. Every day she does her devotion before she started working. She prays to God and keeps very good and intimate relationship with God. I admire and appreciate it. 


Resurrection is to live a life full of joy and hope in Jesus in the midst of challenge and darkness in life. Resurrected life is not an absence of difficulties. Resurrected life is demonstrating solidarity with one another in the spiritual home with Jesus living within and also amongst us. Resurrected life is we can still smile brightly as we are able to walk through the storm with courage and resilience by having each other in Jesus Christ, our risen Lord.  


Now I move to the second reading of today – the book of Acts. In the biblical account, it said that in the early church, the faithful who lived together, there was not a needy person among them. What a beautiful picture! Everyone is able to get what they need. Why was that possible? It was because followers of Christ were generous to offer and share with others. At that time, disciples thought Jesus would come soon, many of them gave their private property and wealth to the group , everything they owned was held in common. No one claimed private ownership of any possessions. It sounds like communism. In our contemporary world, common ownership sounds a bit difficult. But we can still be generous to offer what we have for those in need. 


As KUC’s pastor, I am very proud of our congregation.  Every year we set a budget for small grants with an amount around $100,000-120,000 used to support programs and projects from Hong Kong and overseas for the needy. Every month, the MOE committee shares a report in the Mission Moment of the organization that received our church’s small grant. It is always a touching moment as we hear testimony from our friends on how they experience love and care in our small gesture of giving.  Sharing is not just limited to money, but include space as well. KUC is graced with beautiful church buildings in a good location. KUC has been generous to share space with different churches, Christian organizations and social services agencies. 


The Church’s act of kindness, though small, reveal the amazing grace of our risen Lord! People see the resurrected Christ and resurrected life in the mission work of the church.


In the Book of Acts, the early church community demonstrated a beautiful quality, that is the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and one soul. One heart and one soul is a manifestation of unity! Unity within the community and unity with God through Christ! 


This year KUC is celebrating her 100th Anniversary. The theme for the anniversary is Grounded in God, Growing in Faith, Giving in Community. 


The bible verse we used for the Centenary Celebration is taken from Matthew 20:28

 “Just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many.”

When we are celebrating KUC’s 100th anniversary, the very important aspect is to  remember we as church, the people of faith in Jesus Christ is called to be united in God, to love and to serve God’s Kingdom. 


A number of celebration activities have been planned. The Thanksgiving Service will be arranged in September to honour God for his grace and guidance in the past 100 years. Discipleship series organized by the Community Education Committee is to help sisters and brothers to grow in faith as Jesus’ disciples. Today the 3rd session will be held after worship at 12:00 noon. As a church we are called to reveal God’s Kingdom of love, justice and peace, giving and serving the church and the world. The Worship Committee encourages sisters and brothers to give to the community – the community within KUC and beyond. I would like to take this opportunity to encourage you all to take the initiative to act, with the suggestion marked in the poster. Please write to us in the kudoboard for 100 Acts of Service, so we can learn from each other, and to encourage each other. Some other events from the Fund Raising Working Group are planned and required your participation and support. More information will be shared later. 


In the second Sunday of Easter, as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection, let us support each other to witness Christ is risen by living out a resurrected life in the unity and service of love. Amen. 

# posted by Kowloon Union Church : Sunday, April 07, 2024

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